SIO 210: Fall 2002

Thermohaline Circulation III: The Return of Abyssal Waters


Study Questions


  1. It is thought that about 20 Sv of bottom water enters the South Pacific and upwells to mid-depths. Assuming the northward flow is distributed evenly over a 1000m thick layer, calculate that average northward velocity of the bottom water (take the basin width to be 10,000 km.) If this were the characteristic velocity of northward flow, how long would it take a parcel to traverse from the South Pacific (40S) to the far North Pacific (50N) [1 degree of latitude equals 111 km]. How does this compare with radiocarbon ages in the deep North Pacific? What simplifications are there in this flow model which could account for the difference?
  2. The heat balance for upwelling cold water (such as in the deep Brazil Basin) can be expressed as [ wTA = KTzA] , where For some deep ocean basin, current meter arrays have measured the net long-term inflow below the 1 degree isotherm to be 2 Sv. Hydrographic observations show the mean vertical temperature gradient to be 2 x 10-3 C/m and mapping has revealed that the surface area of this isotherm is 60 x 105 km2. Calculate the mean vertical diffusivity. Suppose that all the vertical mixing was confined to a region over the broken slope of mid-basin ridge with dimensions 3000 km by 100 km. What would the effective vertical diffusivity in this region be?

Figures from class

  • "Conveyor Belt" Schematics
  • Meridional sections in Atlantic at 25W
  • Meridional sections in Pacific at 158W
  • Time Series of CFCs in Atlantic DWBC

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    Last modified: Wed Nov 13 16:29:01 2002