Making a Jesse Tree

First Week of Advent
Second Week of Advent
Third Week of Advent
Fourth Week of Advent
Advent Wreath
Jesse Tree
The 'O' Antiphons
Making a Jesse Tree
Advent Calendar
Christmas Word Search







Making a Jesse Tree

    There are a variety of ways to make a Jesse Tree.

1. First of all, you will need a Bible, for the readings for each day.

2. Use a small REAL Christmas Tree and have the Children hang  the Jesse Tree ornaments on the Tree during a Church Service.

3. Choose a 3 or 4 foot tree branch with lots of smaller branches attached to it. Place the branch in a pot of dirt or gravel and cover the bucket with Christmas paper.

4. Make a wall hanging using burlap fabric and sew a felt tree branch to the fabric.  Attach Velcro® to the backs of the ornaments for attaching to the felt Jesse Tree.

5. Just draw the designs on big pieces of poster board, print out the readings and glue the Scripture readings to the back of the posters and have children present them. 

(Photo of Claudette's former students in Florida doing this in Church)

adventmassfl.gif (107550 bytes)

Click on thumbnail to see a large version of the photo


You can have children draw the symbols, you can print out this page and cut them out and mount them on construction paper to hang on your tree, or you can DOWNLOAD a printable .pdf file of all the symbols.




 Use the circle shapes as a template to cut around the above symbols or print out several circles and attach symbols to the circles.


(The symbols are only suggestions)

December 1
Creation: Gen. 1:1-31; 2:1-4
Symbols: sun, moon, stars, animals, earth

December 2
Adam and Eve: Gen. 2:7-9, 18-24
Symbols: tree, man, woman

December 3
Fall of Man: Gen. 3:1-7 and 23-24
Symbols: tree, serpent, apple with bite

December 4
Noah: Gen. 6:5-8, 13-22; 7:17, 23, 24; 8:1, 6-22
Symbols: ark, animals, dove, rainbow

December 5
Abraham: Gen. 12:1-3
Symbols: torch, sword, mountain

December 6
Isaac: Gen. 22:1-14
Symbols: bundle of wood, altar, ram in bush

December 7
Jacob: Gen. 25:1-34; 28:10-15
Symbols: kettle, ladder

December 8
Joseph: Gen. 25:1-34; 28:10-15
Symbols: bucket, well, silver coins, tunic

December 9
Moses: Ex. 2:1-10
Symbols: baby in basket, river and rushes

December 10
Samuel: 1 Sam. 3:1-18
Symbols: lamp, temple

December 11
Jesse: 1 Sam. 16:1-13
Symbols: crimson robe, shepherd's staff

December 12
David: 1 Sam. 17:12-51
Symbols: slingshot, 6-pointed star

December 13
Solomon: 1 Kings 3:5-14, 16-28
Symbols: scales of justice, temple, two babies and sword

December 14
Joseph: Matt. 1:18-25
Symbols: hammer, saw, chisel, angle

December 15
Mary: Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38
Symbols: lily, crown of stars, pierced heart

December 16
John the Baptist: Mark 1:1-8
Symbols: shell with water, river

On December 17, the Church begins to intensify the preparation for Christmas with the use of the "O" Antiphons during the Liturgy of the Hours. The symbols for the Jesse Tree from December 17 to 23 are based on the "O" Antiphons.

December 17
Jesus is Wisdom: Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus in old Bibles) 24:2; Wisdom 8:1
Symbols: oil lamp, open book

December 18
Jesus is Lord: Ex. 3:2; 20:1
Symbols: burning bush, stone tablets

December 19
Jesus is Flower of Jesse: Isaiah 11:1-3
Symbols: flower, plant with flower

December 20
Jesus is Key of David: Isaiah 22:22
Symbols: key, broken chains

December 21
Jesus is the Radiant Dawn: Psalm 19:6-7 (in older Bibles this will be Psalm 18)
Symbols: sun rising or high in sky

December 22
Jesus is King of the Gentiles: Psalm 2:7-8; Ephesians 2:14-20
Symbols: crown, scepter

December 23
Jesus is Emmanuel: Isaiah 7:14; 33:22
Symbols: tablets of stone, chalice and host

December 24
Jesus is Light of the World: John 1:1-14
Symbols: candle, flame, sun





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©1996...2009  Daily Advent readings - Claudette Holden, Carol Anderson