4/27/12 – True Friendship


“True friendship isn’t about being inseparable, it’s being separated & nothing changes.”

I got this first thing this morning from one of my besties, Christy, and had to share! Love all my friends SO much. No matter the distance that separates us, nothing will ever change our friendships. I can go days, sometimes months or weeks without speaking to some of my friends and it still feels like we pick up where we have always left off.

My boss asked me just yesterday, “Why are you so social?” Haha, funny question I think. I don’t know, because I love my friends? Because I love people? I suppose that’s my answer. Just because that’s who I am. Then, I open my daily news sites this morning and I am presented with an article titled: The Importance of Being Social and I feel like my answer is even that much more validated. Because it’s healthy… and just might help me to live longer 🙂 Cherish every relationship you have and don’t take ANY of them from granted.

Love all of you, dear friends, you know who you are! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. And, until next time we chat, live life to the fullest and I can’t wait to hear ALL about it!

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