منشور Carnegie Mellon University

عرض صفحة منظمة Carnegie Mellon University، رسم بياني

٢٩٢٬٤٧٤ متابع

Carnegie Mellon University - Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy alumna Ngani Ndimbie has been a self-professed “transportation nerd” for the past decade. Growing up in Pittsburgh, she loved getting around “by non-motorized means” — her way of saying she walked everywhere. Becoming a commuter cyclist made her acutely aware of the expense of car ownership — a key issue of social equity and transportation — and put her on the road to improving transportation challenges for underinvested and underserved communities. The lack of access to transportation led to her work steering PennDOT's Dismantling Systemic Racism and Inequities Report. This report integrated disability accommodations into transformational technologies and was recognized by a PennDOT Star of Excellence Award. https://cmu.is/ndimbie

Accelerating Change - Engage with CMU - Carnegie Mellon University

Accelerating Change - Engage with CMU - Carnegie Mellon University


Abby Smith

Accelerating economic growth through public-private partnership

١ سنة

As a huge fan of Ngani Ndimbie I'm thrilled to see this highlighted!! 👏

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