Tag Archives: Crazy Shoes

Unusual Footwear

The days of women with bound feet are over.

With the liberation of women and greater independence comes shoes of different sizes, widths and designs. After all, women always needs shoes to go with different outfits.

Maybe you’ll find something you like over here? *grins*

Chinese women back in those days had to bind their feet to fit into these 3-inch shoes.

Hoof design. I suppose these can look quite sexy if you have the right outfit and posture??

Peacock Design. Somewhat pretty!

Eeek Rat Design! Enough said. Yuck!

Fish slippers. And you wonder why your feet smells???

Barefoot Design. Somehow they look like they stink, hahaha!

High-Chair Design. Looks so sturdy!

Double Heel Design. Anyone must look awful walking in these heels because you probably have to lift up your feet and trot in order not to trip over yourself?

Origami Paper Design? They look like they're made of cardboard or something? Probably good for display?

Ergonomically Odd Design. This looks somewhat comfortable, although I wonder how it stays on your feet when you walk.

Lethal Weapon Design. You don't want to be around this lady when she's angry!

Umbrella Design. I guess this would keep your feet dry, but wouldn't the spokes poke the ankles?

Prism Design. You probably can't see the shoes on the wearer because it reflects everything off the ground.

Industrial Design. This looks severely painful to walk in. How oppressive!

Game Wedge

Shoes that pump music?

Always walking on grass