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Set of reagents of Glyukoza-UF-Nov – Vektor-Best-Ural, ZAO |
Buy Set of reagents of Glyukoza-UF-Nov
Set of reagents of Glyukoza-UF-Nov

Set of reagents of Glyukoza-UF-Nov

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Russia, Ekaterinburg
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  • Country of manufactureRussia
Set of reagents of Glyukoza-UF-Novo
Glyukoza-UF-Novo (100)
Glyukoza-UF-Novo (500)
RU NO. FSR 2008/03195
Set of reagents for determination of concentration of glucose in serum, plasma of blood and urine (the UF-geksokinazny method).
Set for semi-automatic and automatic analyzers.

CJSC Vektor-Best - the largest Russian producer of sets of instruments for diagnosis for the immunofermental analysis, clinical biochemistry and polimerazny chain reaction. The company develops the biochemical direction since 1995. Today we submit more than 60 names of biochemical production - it is sets of reagents, calibration samples and control materials. The quantity them constantly increases. Such extension of the nomenclature is promoted by the modern nauchnotekhnichesky Vektor-Best base and a know-how of employees. The most part of biochemical sets is adapted to the automatic and semi-automatic analyzers including delivered on the national Health project. For each type of analyzers we published collections of adaptation sheets. On quality the biochemical Vektor-Best sets are comparable with similar sets of foreign firms, but is significantly cheaper.
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Set of reagents of Glyukoza-UF-Nov
Set of reagents of Glyukoza-UF-Nov
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