Escher, reimagined by DALL-E 2

Aron Brand
4 min readJul 24, 2022

One of my favorite things to do is to look at the world through the lens of art. And one of the artists that I often think about is M.C. Escher. I love his use of optical illusions and the way he plays with our perceptions of reality.

So, when I got access to OpenAI DALL-E, the amazing new AI model for creating images from text, I was intrigued. I wanted to see what this new technology could do and how it compared to the works of the great master.

The results are fascinating. The AI model has been able to create images that are easily mistaken for real works by Escher. Of course, they are not perfect. They don’t exhibit his level of genius, but overall, I feel that the AI model has done a remarkable job in emulating the style of Escher, and it has also done well in following my creative directions.

What would Escher say of these if he was alive? I think he would be intrigued and amazed and excited by what this new technology can do.

This technology can inspire us. This technology can empower ordinary people to create new and interesting works of art.

In this new reality, how do we define art? If a machine can create art, is it really art? Who owns the copyright to the art? These are questions that we will need to answer in the future.

In the meantime — please take a look at a few hand selected results from my Escher experiment and let me know what you think.

To me it feels like magic . In the words of “2 minute papers” — what a time to be alive !

