Maurice Goldberg

Maurice Goldberg

Greater Sydney Area
974 followers 500+ connections


I'm a change maker, a visual artist, mentor of business leaders and their teams, and change the world using creativity to activate and accelerate new ways of experiencing life.

Recently I've had fantastic times facilitating leadership teams in small and large organisations where I bring something they've never experienced before... They say things like, "unbelievably insightful", "fun", "unexpected and mind-blowing" and "a game changer". We focus on quickly bringing right-brain creativity and flow, together with left-brain analysis and structure really FUN creative and freeing ways. And the more senior the team of leaders the bigger and more profound the breakthroughs seem to be!

I think what makes me unique is my success and failures in both Finance and The Arts which has given me a deep knowledge of both analytical and creative thinking. And with decades of facilitating small and large groups, I find it easy to effectively deep dive into clarity, accelerated engagement and increased ideation. This gives my clients momentum and insights that most organisations struggle to ever gain.

As an artist, I'm rebellious and work towards creating social change. My beautiful, FUN and Sometimes Sensual Art (in collaboration with Matthew Aberline 2018-2022) has been seen in the World Trade Center New York, the United Nations General Assembly, London, Amsterdam and all across Australia. It can be seen in Museums, board rooms, Convention Centres, city plazas, festivals and is often interactive.

A comment on facilitation and coaching: The most successful people in the world are supported to evolve their lives. They don't leave their goals, dreams and motivations to chance. And every person can create amazing lives, awesome jobs and precious relationships when their imagination is supported to be open and their creativity firing on all cylinders.

I love creating change that is beyond what people think is possible! Using Creativity is the key difference between slow and painful or fast and amazing.

As background: I have over thirty years of creating and running "break-thru" businesses and having been listed three times in the fastest growing companies in Australia, (BRW FAST100) I've learnt, through my successes and failures, what works and what doesn't.

Why leaders work with me ? Because I have learnt, through experience, how to take people beyond what they think is possible. Over and Over again! How to support people to expand, get creative and have fun in the process ... because they are the secrets to fulfilment.



  • Maurice Goldberg Creative


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