Morte D’Arthur 1893 – Camelot by Aubrey Beardsley



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Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898) was an English artist and illustrator known for his distinctive and influential style, which left an indelible mark on the Art Nouveau movement of the late 19th century. Born in Brighton, England, Beardsley demonstrated exceptional artistic talent from a young age.

His career took off when he was just 20 years old, after he caught the attention of the famous author and editor, Sir Thomas Malory, who commissioned him to illustrate a new edition of “Le Morte d’Arthur.” Beardsley’s intricate and highly detailed pen-and-ink drawings became instantly popular, showcasing his exceptional technical skill and provocative imagination.

Beardsley’s work often featured themes of eroticism and the macabre, pushing the boundaries of Victorian sensibilities. His illustrations frequently explored mythological, decadent, and fantastical subjects, characterized by intricate patterns, bold lines, and a dark, sensual aesthetic. Notable works include his illustrations for Oscar Wilde’s play “Salomé” and his own magazine “The Yellow Book,” which he co-founded in 1894.

Tragically, Beardsley’s career was cut short by his untimely death from tuberculosis at the age of 25. Despite his short life, his impact on the art world was profound. His distinctive style continues to inspire artists and designers to this day, and his contributions to the Art Nouveau movement remain highly regarded for their artistic innovation and boldness. Aubrey Beardsley’s legacy as a visionary artist endures, forever cementing his place in art history.

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Available in rolled paper and rolled & stretched canvas

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