Drawing Cherry Blossom Tree: Step-by-Step Guide
Written by  Daisie Team
Published on 7 min read


  1. Gather Your Materials
  2. Sketch the Trunk and Branches
  3. Add Smaller Branches
  4. Draw the Blossoms
  5. Add Details to the Blossoms
  6. Paint the Background
  7. Paint the Tree
  8. Add Highlights and Shadows
  9. Final Touches

Have you ever wondered how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree—the kind that's the star of every springtime scene? Well, it's easier than you might think! With a few simple steps, you can create your own stunning cherry blossom artwork. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through each stage, from gathering your materials to adding those final touches. So, let's get started!

Gather Your Materials

Before we start our cherry blossom drawing journey, let's make sure we have everything we need. Here's what you'll need:

  • Pencil: A standard HB pencil will do the trick for our initial sketch.
  • Erasers: You'll want a couple of different types: a regular rubber eraser for the big changes and a kneaded eraser for more detailed edits.
  • Drawing paper: Opt for a quality drawing paper that can handle both pencil and paint.
  • Paints: Watercolor paints are perfect for capturing the soft colors of a cherry blossom tree. You'll need shades of pink, brown, and green, plus a little white for highlights.
  • Paintbrushes: A medium-sized round brush will work for most of the painting, but a smaller brush will come in handy for the finer details.
  • Water and paper towels: These are a must-have for cleaning your brushes between colors.

Now that you have all your materials ready, you're all set to learn how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree. This is going to be a fun ride, so let's buckle up and get started!

Sketch the Trunk and Branches

Ready to start drawing? The first step in drawing a cherry blossom tree is sketching the trunk and branches. Here's how:

  1. Draw the Trunk: Start by drawing a slightly curved vertical line for the trunk. It doesn't have to be perfect—remember, trees are all unique. Your trunk can be as thick or thin as you want, but if you're unsure, aim for about the thickness of your finger.
  2. Add the Main Branches: Now it's time to add some branches. Draw two to three lines coming out from the top of the trunk. These are your main branches. They should be thinner than the trunk and curve upwards, like a tree reaching for the sun.
  3. Sketch Additional Branches: From your main branches, draw additional smaller branches. These should be even thinner and more curved. Try to spread them out and vary their lengths for a more natural look.

And there you have it—your tree trunk and branches are sketched out. You're well on your way to mastering how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree. Ready for the next step?

Add Smaller Branches

So, you've sketched your trunk and main branches—great job! Now, let's add smaller branches to our cherry blossom tree drawing. Here's how:

  1. Identify Main Branching Points: Look at your tree sketch. See where the main branches split off from the trunk? Those are your main branching points. Start by adding smaller branches at these points.
  2. Add More Branches: Now, go along each of your main branches and add more smaller branches. Remember to vary the length and angle of these branches—nature isn't perfectly symmetrical. Some branches might be short and straight, while others could be long and curved.
  3. Sketch Twig Clusters: At the end of each branch, draw clusters of thin, short lines. These represent the twigs where the cherry blossoms will bloom. Make sure to add plenty, as cherry blossom trees are known for their lush blossoms.

And there you have it, you've added smaller branches to your cherry blossom tree. It might look a little bare now, but soon we'll fill it with beautiful blossoms. Exciting, right?

Draw the Blossoms

Now that we have a tree full of branches and twigs, it's time to bring it to life with blossoms! Here's how to draw cherry blossoms on your tree:

  1. Start Small: Cherry blossoms are small, delicate flowers. Begin by drawing tiny circles at the end of the twigs. These will serve as the base of your blossoms.
  2. Add Petals: Think of a cherry blossom as a star with rounded points. From each tiny circle, draw five rounded lines radiating outwards. These will form the petals of your blossoms.
  3. Fill Your Tree: Continue this process, adding blossoms to all the twigs on your tree. Don't worry about making every blossom perfect or identical. In nature, no two flowers are exactly alike.

With these steps, you've added the first layer of cherry blossoms to your tree. Your drawing should start to resemble a flowering cherry blossom tree now. But we're not quite finished yet. Let's add some depth and detail to make these blossoms really pop!

Add Details to the Blossoms

So, you've mastered the technique of drawing basic cherry blossoms. That's great! However, we're aiming for a flowering cherry blossom tree that's bursting with life and depth. This step is all about adding those little details that make a big difference.

  1. Define the Petals: To give the petals a more realistic feel, add a little curve or line in the middle of each petal. This gives the illusion of a fold, making your petals look three-dimensional.
  2. Add the Center: In the middle of your blossom, draw a small circle or a dot. This represents the center of the flower. You can even add a few smaller dots around it to suggest stamens.
  3. Shading: Use light and dark shades to add depth to your blossoms. Imagine the sun shining on your tree — the petals closer to the sun would be lighter, while those in the shadow would be darker. Use this rule to guide your shading.

By adding these details, your cherry blossoms will start to look more realistic and vibrant. Remember, the key to learning how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree is patience and practice. The more you draw, the better you'll get. So, keep going!

Paint the Background

Alright, now that we've sketched out our detailed cherry blossom tree, it's time to bring the rest of the scene to life. The background plays a significant part in setting the mood of your artwork, so let's not overlook it.

  1. Choose Your Colors: The beauty of a flowering cherry blossom tree is often enhanced by a soft, serene background. Opt for lighter shades such as baby blue for the sky, and different hues of green for any distant foliage.
  2. Blend Your Colors: Painting is all about blending. Start with the lightest color and slowly work your way to the darker shades. Remember to blend as you go along to avoid any harsh lines.
  3. Layer Your Paint: Another tip on how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree is to layer your paint. Start with a thin layer and let it dry before adding another. This gives your background a sense of depth.

Creating a harmonious background will help your cherry blossom tree really stand out. Remember, art is all about expressing yourself, so feel free to experiment with different colors and techniques until you're happy with the result.

Paint the Tree

With the background set, it's time to add some color to our cherry blossom tree. Painting the tree can seem daunting, but don't worry, we'll break it down into easy steps.

  1. Start with the Trunk and Branches: Use shades of brown to paint the trunk and branches. Start light, and gradually add darker shades to create depth and texture. Don't forget the smaller branches that will hold our blossoms.
  2. Paint the Blossoms: Now for the fun part—painting the blossoms! Pick several shades of pink, from light to dark. Use the lighter shade as the base color, then add the darker shades for depth and detail. Remember, cherry blossoms aren't uniform, so don't be afraid to mix it up a bit.
  3. Let it Dry: Patience is key when learning how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree. Allow adequate drying time between layers to avoid smudging.

There you have it, a beautifully colored cherry blossom tree! But we're not done yet. Next, we'll add some final touches to really make your masterpiece come to life.

Add Highlights and Shadows

Adding highlights and shadows is like putting the cherries on top of a sundae—it's what makes the image pop and come to life. This is what gives your flowering cherry blossom tree a three-dimensional effect.

  1. Adding Highlights: Take a lighter shade of pink, and gently add highlights to your blossoms. Think about where the sun would hit the blossoms and highlight that area. Remember, less is more when it comes to highlights. You don't want to overdo it.
  2. Creating Shadows: Next, let's create some shadows. Use a darker shade of pink and add it to the parts of the blossoms that are hidden or not directly lit by the sun. Same rule applies here—don't overdo it.
  3. Highlighting the Trunk and Branches: Use a lighter shade of brown to add highlights to the trunk and branches. Imagine the sun shining down on the tree, and highlight those areas.
  4. Shading the Trunk and Branches: Lastly, with a darker shade of brown, add shadows to the trunk and branches. This will provide a deeper, more realistic look to your flowering cherry blossom tree.

By now, you can see how your tree is starting to take shape. The play of light and shadow adds depth, making the tree look more realistic. Congratulations, you're on your way to mastering how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree.

Final Touches

Now that you've sketched and painted your tree, and added highlights and shadows, it's time for the final touches. This is the stage where you make minute adjustments to refine your art piece and make it truly stand out.

  1. Examine Your Work: Take a step back and look at your work. Does the tree look three-dimensional? Is the lighting consistent? If something looks off, don't be afraid to make adjustments.
  2. Enhance the Blossoms: You might want to add a few more dashes of color to your blossoms for extra vibrancy or detail. However, remember to maintain a balance. You don't want to overpower the overall aesthetic of your cherry blossom tree.
  3. Refine the Trunk and Branches: Look at the trunk and branches. Do they need more definition or texture? Use your drawing tools to enhance these areas if necessary.
  4. Assess the Background: Finally, take a look at the background. Does it complement your tree, or does it distract from it? Make any necessary changes to ensure your flowering cherry blossom tree is the star of the show.

And there you have it. You've just completed your very own flowering cherry blossom tree. This guide on how to draw a flowering cherry blossom tree is just the beginning. With practice, you'll be creating beautiful cherry blossom trees that will wow everyone. So, keep drawing and keep exploring your artistic side. Who knows what you'll create next?

If you enjoyed this step-by-step guide on drawing a cherry blossom tree and are looking to expand your digital drawing skills, check out Vicky Catalan's workshop, 'How to Draw A Fruit In ProCreate.' While it may not be directly related to cherry blossom trees, this workshop offers valuable techniques and insights that can be applied to various subjects in your digital art journey.