Why is the Jacaranda Bonsai so Popular?

Why is the Jacaranda Bonsai so Popular?

Jacaranda Bonsai

commonly known as Blue Jacaranda, is one of the most beautiful choices of Bonsai because of its aesthetically pleasing fern like long lasting blue flowers.

It is also known by other names like Jacaranda, black poui, and fern tree. The flowers are famous for their vibrant large bell shaped flowers. The Jacaranda tree is originally from the south central South American region. However, the bonsai can be easily cultivated in all parts of the word where there is no severe frost.

A jacaranda tree is either semi-evergreen or deciduous, depending on the climate it grows in. The incredibly beautiful sub-tropical tree blooms it’s splendour in late spring to early summer with its signature blue flowers.

Your Jacaranda Bonsai should be kept in a well lit area, it can tolerate living indoors as long as there is 4-6 hours of natural sunlight available daily. If your Jacaranda Bonsai is indoors ensure it is not in contact with heating / cooling vents as this will dry it out or offer too much artificial air.

Growing Bonsai trees indoors does require particular attention to sunlight and water, it is often easier for them to grow outdoors with the natural elements of the seasons.

The reason the Jacaranda is such a rare Bonsai is because of its unique oriental blue flowers and also because the Jacaranda Bonsai takes a long time for the species to grow from seedling to a tree compared to other species to be a good size for Bonsai.

As mentioned earlier, the Jacarandah loves the sun, if you want your Bonsai to bloom with plentiful flowers and foliage you need to ensure it receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight daily in the warmer months.

Ensure to bring your Jacaranda indoors if it is a particularly cold frosty winter as it does not like the frost.

Watering should be frequent in the growing season. Jacaranda Bonsai should be watered when the top 3 inches of the bonsai soil feels dry. This bonsai prefers moisture so you should also provide them with additional water during the warm periods experiencing high heat or dryness. To test the soil simply press your finger into the soil to feel the moisture levels and water if it feels dry.

Your Jacaranda Bonsai can be fertilised once a week in the growing seasons with Bonsai Boy’s Plant Nourishment.

Like all Bonsai trees, your Jacaranda bonsai should be planted in a shallow bonsai pot about two-thirds of the length of the tree’s height.

The colour of the pot should complement the colour of the jacaranda’s grey-brown trunk or its bright purple flowers. Make sure that the colour and the beauty of the pot do not compete with your Bonsai.

Repot your Jacaranda Bonsai every two years. Mature trees do not grow fast so you should not expect the roots to outgrow the pot quickly. Repotting is necessary to ensure your Bonsai does not become root bound, this is when there is too much root and not enough soil to provide nutrients for healthy growing.

Bonsai Boy’s range of Jacaranda Bonsai trees will be available in the next 8-10 weeks just in time for spring. All our Bonsai trees are available for purchase 24/7 and hand delivered to your doorstep by one of our team members throughout Metropolitan Melbourne 5 days a week.

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