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I try not to spend my entire life attached to Facebook, but occasionally there is a post that completely entertains me. This week, a friend shared that their pet hedgehog had a surprise litter of baby hedge hogs. Thanks to Google, I now know that a baby hedgehog is called a hoglet. And they are stinking cute. Try and look away from these photos I found without saying, “Awwwe!”


hedge2Of course I showed these to my kids and now they want a hoglet of their very own. Nope. But they were intrigued and we headed to the library to check out a book about hedgehogs and learned a few interesting facts to share:

  • They eat insects and have poor eyesight
  • They are nocturnal and originally from Europe
  • If attacked they curl in to a little ball with their pokey spines pointing out

If you have kids that love animals, here are a few books that your kids will love. And they’ll definitely learn something as well. Click on a cover to see a full description: happy reading and happy learning! Even more animal books for kids can be found at this link.

— All books by BQB and WriteLife Publishing can be ordered at Amazon.com or ordered from your favorite local bookstore. —


Bonnie the Honeybee

Filly Girls Cover

