
Modern weekend - Klein's bottle

Klein bottle

What began as a spiral or shell-like shape of a barrel weekend eventually outgrew conventional frames and resulted in a complex formation: the Klein bottle. If originally the architects of the Australian architectural firm McBride Charles Ryan wanted to capture the playfulness and relaxation of free time and the holiday spirit in the modern weekend, and therefore played with asymmetrical geometric shapes, the game eventually led them to a complex living formation.

If mathematicians describe the modern weekend of McBride Charles Ryan architectural firm – Klein's bottle as a non-orientable surface or a two-dimensional manifold, the information that it has tells us more modern weekend, called Klein's bottle, such a surface that we can move from outside to inside. Modern weekend, which sits on a hill next to the ocean on Australia's Mornington Peninsula, an hour and a half drive from Melbourne, reveals a new series of spatial experience relationships and definitely portrays the overlap of interior and exterior. The breaking of the walls and interior surfaces and, on the other hand, the airiness and openness of the building to the outside create new living conditions.

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Australian Bureau McBride Charles Ryan is for a brave experiment of the modern weekend won quite a few notable awards: at the World Architecture Festival in 2009 they received the award for the best house, Grand Designs gave them the award for the best international residential building in 2010, the Australian Institute of Architects awarded them with the Robyn Boyd and Harold Desbrowe-Annear awards in 2008 …

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