Colchester Theatre Group

Daisy Pulls It Off

DAISY PULLS IT OFF by Denise Deegan, directed by Ian Amos

 1st – 4th March 2017 at the Headgate Theatre


Nominations for NETG Awards:


Technical Achievement

Rob Sadler for Best supporting Actor

Megan Symkiss for Best supporting Actress

The Cliff Hudson Award for Comedy


Cast included:

Jack Biggs, Sara Carr, Lydia Clough, Sara Green, Matthew Hankin, Brian Malone, Samantha Malone,  Jessica Millar, Liz Moss, Liz Mullen,  Robert Sadler, Megan Symkiss, and Angela Whatling.

Stage Crew: Rod Green, Stage Manager, Mike Sullivan, Lighting, Charlotte Bayford, Props, Elaine Lloyd,  ASM, Sue Atkin, prompt, Stephen Peeling, set, Barbara Scully, wigs, and Doug Mockridge, art work.