I, Matthew Evilsizor, in 2010 learned about the Emoto Peace Project and the incredible work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Who would take samples of tap water, freeze the water molecule, and photograph it. The water looks like a muddy puddle. Then he would focus on that water droplet and feel love towards it. He’d photograph that sample again and the muddy puddle now looked like a beautiful snowflake!

Photo courtesy of emotopeaceproject.com

Dr. Emoto did these experiments thousands of times with positive, negative, pictures, music, words, emotions, and no matter what was stimulus was given to the water, it always reflected these specific attributes in its molecular structure. This was a lot for my mind to handle at the time but yet it made so much sense. Water is the majority of our body, our earth, and even our cup of coffee. It is literally the element that binds us and if we have this impact on our water and water has this impact on our world... mind explodes.

This moment brought something to the forefront of my mind and it was “where you put your intention and focus is where you will go.” This became a clear life metaphor. Almost immediately Conscious Bean was born. I desired to make a business focused on intention. Standardizing intent. If everyone has good quality ingredients, great equipment, skilled staff, what differentiates? Being fully there. Imbuing your personal heart energy into the act. If the coffee is made of water how much can we improve it with this focus and care? For our coffee subscriptions and coffee catering began to implement steps that would put this level of focus into each phase of our process.

  • We began mindful roasting™, taking a word of intention and attaching it to our roaster, grounding ourselves to that focused thought and roasting with that intent.

  • We began attaching words of intention to our water tanks, meditating with them for a period of time.

  • We began making our coffee flavorings from scratch so we could activate this resonate water of each simple syrup.

  • We worked with each barista to focus their energy and have a positive intention thought focus while preparing each drink they craft.

  • We set that finished drink on the word “Awaken” we’ve had burned into the bar to further imbue intention.

  • Finally, our barista says “made with love” when they set down the drink. The customer always giggles and smiles feeling special and acknowledged but the real reason is a simple binary test. did I (make the drink with love)? if Yes, repeat. If No, ok let’s do it next time.

  • This creates an intent from cradle to cradle. Imbuing ourselves into our work and the nourishment we give others.

This began an obsession, a pure dedication to learning about the energies that work in silence but with great strength and how we can create practices that initiate intent into each of our actions. I continue this mission as I focus on Cafe Development, and coffee consulting for those seeking the same special elements that set Conscious Bean apart. For this, I owe many thanks to the dedication of Dr. Emoto and the awareness and goodness he brought to the world. We continue to seek out and find ways for our practices, mission statement, and protocols to check in on our energy and ensure we are creating resonant moments through each step.

As my study continued I learned that many people were utilizing a similar practice with rice and plants. A quick Google search will show people using 2 identical clean jars each with equal amounts of rice from the same bag. One jar will have a positive word and one a negative word. Frequently the result will be a longer life span with a slower molding process for the positive word. It's also quite common for the negative word to mold black and the positive word a much lighter color, sometimes even white. 

In a scholarly study from the Asian Medical Journal, in 2001, a double-blind study of about 5000 plants (2500 pea plants and 2500 wheat plants) for half of each set, water was meditated on with the intent of stimulating growth in the plant (they literally thought “grow big”). At the end of the study, the result was an average of 10.4% improved growth rate in both species nourished with the intention-filled water. 

What solidified this concept for me was an exceptional art exhibit by Rose Lynn Fisher and her work on tears. With high-detail photography, she was able to show that tears of joy are molecularly different than tears of sorrow, tears from laughter, or tears from cutting an onion. Each type of tear’s structure was based on the emotional reason of its occurrence!

Dr. Emoto passed in 2014 after over 17 years of groundbreaking research but the impact of his observance will live on. Next time you see some water (hint- you are mostly water) make sure to give thanks.