Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach 500 pix

This is a lovely looking Loach that works well in groups. They are pretty shy and for the most part will come out to feed when the light conditions are low, such as what would be sunset or sunrise in the wild.

Kuhli Loaches are from South-West Asia and India. The fish also inhabits in Sumatra, Singapore, Malaysia, Java and Borneo Islands.

Introducing plants into your aquarium such as Java Fern will be very much enjoyed by the Kuhli.

They don’t eat snails, and are not aggressive fish.

Look out for poorly fish when you are buying them. The retailer should not be selling them from gravel filled tanks, as they need something fine to avoid harm when rubbing along objects. Using fine sand also makes for easier catching, as you can simply scoop up the sand to catch them.

The Kuhli Loach makes a great addition into a community aquarium.

Temperature:  75 – 86 °F (24 – 30 °C).

Water Ph:  5.5-6.5

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