Jacaranda mimosifolia: Jacaranda

Family: Bignoniaceae
Common name: Jacaranda, Blue jacaranda, Black poui, Neeli gulmohar, Nupur, Fern tree

Jacarandas are stunningly beautiful flowering trees native to South America, but have gained popularity worldwide due to their vibrant purple-blue flowers and graceful form.They are medium-sized deciduous tree that can reach a height of 12-15 meters and a spread of up to 12 meters.

The crown is broad and irregular, forming an umbrella-like shape. Jacaranda tree trunk is short with a diameter of 40-50 cm, branching well at a short distance from the ground.

The tree features pinnately compound leaves composed of numerous small, fern-like leaflets that give it a delicate appearance. The trees bloom in late spring and early summer when it becomes a spectacle of color, as clusters of bell-shaped, lavender-blue flowers adorn its branches.

These tube-shaped blooms grow in dense clusters, creating a stunning visual display. Each individual flower is about 5 cm long, with a trumpet-like shape and five petals. The color varies from light lavender to deep purple, depending on the tree’s location and environmental conditions. There is also a variant present with white flowers.

When the flowers cover the entire canopy, the tree seems to be dressed in a vibrant purple-blue coat, enchanting all who behold it.

The flowers later produce small, woody, seed-containing capsules that are about 5-7 cm long and have a brownish color. As the capsules mature and dry out, they split open, releasing numerous flat, winged seeds that are dispersed by wind.

Jacarandas thrive in warm climates with full sun exposure. They prefer well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Ensure that the soil is rich in organic matter and water the tree regularly during the growing season. The tree assumes a natural well-rounded shape, but light pruning can encourage better flowering.

While Jacarandas are relatively drought-tolerant once established, they benefit from regular watering, especially during dry spells. Be cautious not to overwater, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot.

These trees are excellent for roadsides or avenues, creating a stunning drive when they bloom during summer months. Once established in the soil, they need very little care to continue blooming year after year.

Jacaranda tree’s bark, leaves, and flowers have been employed in herbal remedies for treating ailments such as inflammation, coughs, bronchitis, and skin conditions.

Propagation is through seeds and stem cuttings.