How To Use Healthy Flour Substitutes – Or Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Flour alternatives to swap into your diet

Different flour substitutes in jars

Most of us know that refined flour is not good for us. The white, fluffy powder offers our bodies zero nutritional benefits. And the blood sugar spike that it’s known for? No thank you.


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“White flour is limited in nutritional value, containing almost no fiber, protein or healthy fat for the calories it supplies,” says registered dietitian Lindsay Malone. “Alternative flours can be a great way to create healthy recipes and add nutrients to your favorite dishes.”

In a world crazed with healthy alternatives and swaps, how do you cut ties with refined flour, but still enjoy bread, dessert and pasta?

Take a look at some of these flour substitute options:

Almond flour

Made from peeled and finely ground almonds, this type of flour is known to increase your feeling of fullness, helping you feel more satisfied. It’s also high in protein, healthy fats and fiber and reduces glycemic (blood sugar) impact after a meal or snack.

Almond flour is a heart-healthy option that is suitable for grain-free, low-carb, paleo and keto diets.

Coconut flour

This option of flour is made from – you guessed it – dried and ground up coconuts. It’s packed with fiber and healthy fats and contains digestible carbohydrates. But keep in mind that when it’s used in recipes it may require more moisture.

Coconut flour is suitable for grain-free, paleo and keto diets. It’s also a great alternative to almond flour for those with nut allergies.

Gluten-free all-purpose flour

Typically made from a mix of gluten-free grain and legumes (beans and peas), this type of flour is higher in protein compared to all-purpose wheat flours. It can also be used as a cup for cup in most recipes calling for traditional flour, but be sure to read the labels for product variations.

This type of flour is a good option for those following a gluten-free diet.

Oat flour

This substitute is pretty simple, as it’s just made from ground-up rolled oats. It can be purchased or made inexpensively at home with a food processor or blender. It’s also high in fiber and protein compared to all-purpose wheat flour.

Oat flour is fitting for gluten free diets when prepared with gluten-free rolled oats.

Other flours to try

Flour substitutes are worth investigating and trying to include in your diet. But spend time reading the labels and checking the package for fiber, protein and common food allergens first.

More flours to try:

  • Banana.
  • Sorgum.
  • Quinoa.
  • Amaranth.
  • Potato.
  • Brown rice.

Use this flour conversion tool as a guide for recipes and flour swaps.

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