Baylor Graduate Student Katherine Goodwin Granted Chrisman Research Travel Fellowship

May 1, 2023
woman with glasses smiling

Baylor University PhD candidate Katherine Goodwin has been awarded the Chrisman Travel Fellowship from the Society for Reformation Research in honor of Miriam Usher Chrisman, a leading scholar of the Reformation in Strasbourg. The award, along with a similar travel fellowship Katherine won from the Bibliographical Society, will fund her 5-week research trip to the UK this summer. 


Katherine Goodwin's research trip is primarily focused on her dissertation on the networks of vernacular theology connected to Syon Abbey in the early 1530s/Reformation England. Specifically, she will be examining the texts and individuals connected with Anne Bulkeley and her prayer book (MS Harley 494) to show how women participated in the creation and circulation of religious books in early Reformation England. Katherine will conduct research at the British Library, Oxford’s Bodleian Library, and University of Exeter Special Collections. 


Katherine said, "This trip is to retrace my initial steps and expand my current research to better capture the role of women in producing, receiving, and circulating devotional texts during the early Reformation." Additionally, Katherine will present some of her research at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds and the Early Book Society in Limerick, Ireland, in between library visits. 


Katherine extends her appreciation to the Department of History at Baylor University and the Graduate School at Baylor for the additional financial support, which will allow her to conduct research and attend conferences. Please join the History Department in congratulating Katherine Goodwin on her incredible achievement! 


Sic ‘em!