Study Abroad

Chocolate Easter Eggs | Cadbury Explosion | No Peeps | A Masters in Kingston

Happy Easter! I love spring, new life everywhere, the wind, the sun it makes my soul happy. And its a reminder of God’s goodness.

Some fun things I noticed about how they celebrate Easter in the UK vs the US. It mainly comes down to sweets!

#1 In the UK instead of just small bags of Cadbury chocolate eggs, they have these giant hollow chocolate eggs. They come in different flavors and brands, but cadbury is probably the most popular! For myself I got a gluten free chocolate cookie dough egg. They sometimes come with accompanying chocolate bunnies.

#2 While there are chocolate cadbury eggs, there are absolutely no peeps! Yes those sugary, heart attack inducing marshmallow classics. My mom wasn’t a fan, but we sure were. They taste like sugar in its purest form. Basically they are marshmallows coated in sugar, but they have this very specific taste thats different than a regular marshmallow that I can’t quite put my finger on.

#3 Cadbury is HUGE here! When I go into the grocery stores the shelves are absolutely OVERWHELMED with Cadbury branded sweets, chocolates, ice cream you name it! Back home Cadbury is big, but its one of many brands. Here Cadbury is THEE chocolate brand.

Its just interesting, I’m not sure if I have any insightful conclusions to draw from any of these observations. I don’t know why these differences exist. If anyone has any insights feel free to comment and share! I’d love to learn more.

6 thoughts on “Chocolate Easter Eggs | Cadbury Explosion | No Peeps | A Masters in Kingston

  1. Peeps sound lovely! I have never heard of them here in the UK.

    Cadbury is the second largest confectionery brand in the world (after Mars) but is home grown. The company was set up by one John Cadbury in Birmingham, England, during the 1800s. Cadburys invented milk chocolate.

    The Cadburys were very forward thinkng, and treated their employees very well, which was unusual for the time. They built a model village, Bournville, to house them. The Cadbury family were Quakers, so alcohol was banned in the village, and they encouraged outdoor exercise. They also set up an employees pension scheme and medical care!

    Even today, Bournville is supposed to be one of the nicest places to live – although it still doesn’t have a pub!

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  2. I have a major sweet tooth but even I can’t handle Peeps! We used to get the giant hollow eggs at Easter but I haven’t seen them in Canada recently. I wonder if they are still available here…

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