This is a PSA for all the Supernatural fans out there who just learned of Tahmoh Penikett and his awesomeness.

To get you started, here are some arms:






BONUS! Shirtless Jamie Bamber with Tahmoh arms:


Want more? Seriously, you guys should watch the shit out of this show if you haven’t already. You’ll love it.

mine tahmoh penikett bsg battlestar galactica jamie bamber helo karl agathon lee adama apollo spn supernatural dean dean winchester winchester sam sam winchester castiel ezekiel psa

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  3. rjalker reblogged this from i-want-cheese and added:
    Seriously please guys please watch Battlestar Galactica I’m begging you.
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    we need another reblog of this!
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  11. kristinjb reblogged this from i-want-cheese and added:
    To say that I was very excited when I saw Tahmoh’s name in the opening credits of ep1 is putting it lightly.
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