Col. Wilma Deering 2.1

Wilma Deering 2.1: 3D PRINTED SCULPTURE - PAINTED. The individual parts were slightly modified to incorporate neodymium magnets in the torso. This allows the sculpture to be later dismantled. Acrylic paints were applied with a combination of techniques; airbrushing, brushing, wet palette blending and dry brushing. These brought out the nuanced details present within the 3D printed parts. The HP Multi-Jet Fusion process and polyamide material, probably, is not considered the best medium for this type of sculpture. ‘Grain’ is visible and affects the smooth flow of the applied paint. Various methods are available for smoothing out the inherent grain and striations. Mechanical (or manual) Abrasion, vapour bath and application of filler medium are the main options. However, at the moment, I wish the visual ‘story’ of how the sculpture was created to be seen. I’m broadly happy with the end result. The helmet will be repainted at some point - the marking decals not being correct.

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Great work! Taking me back to my childhood! especially remembering now the sound of the Twiki :slight_smile:

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