Catalog DalinaGenetics 2012

Page 44

Growth regulator Cycocel (chlormequat-klorid 460g/l), 3‰, 4 litre/m2. Solution per 11 cm pot: 80-100 ml.

Growth Regulation The best quality is achieved by controlling the plant growth. Cycocel is the preferred growth retardant for Osteospermum. If the plants have been treated once as young plants, then another 2-3 treatments will be needed. Be aware of the differences between the cultivars (See Cultivar list). The first treatment is given 1 week after potting. If you pinch after potting then wait until one week after pinching before the first treatment. There are several ways to add Cycocel to your plants. 1) Traditional overhead watering with a fine spray*. (Holes 0,8 mm.). Although this is rather time consuming the advantage is that you know exactly how much chemical has been put on the plants. 2) Overhhead watering with a fine spray* (holes 0,8 mm) using a Docetron/Dosatron**.

Desinfection of tools Alcohol (like IdoScrup without gel). Fungal diseases that may attack Osteospermum: Verticilium, Phytium, Phytophtera og Botrytis (grey mould). Fungicides that have been tested with posetive resluts (see disclaimer) Octave (Proclorax): 0,5 ‰, 2 l/m2. Never in the propagation.

3) Watering from below in an ebb and flood system using a Docetron/Dosatron**. 4) Watering from below using an ebbe and flood system where a big tank contains Cycocel solution alone, and which can be applied and returned to the tank whenever a Cycocel treatment is needed. * Remember: Cycocel may burn the leaves. If you water with a solution of Cycocel from above, you must water from above with double the amount of clean water immediately afterwards. ** If you are unsure about the concentration using a Docatron: Since Cycocel in water will increase the EC, the EC level in a 3 ‰ concentration can be determined by making a controlled solution of Cycocel in the same water you will use

Amistar (Azozystrobin): 1‰, 2l/m2. Only one the same plants during the season.

for the Docetron.

Previcur (Propamocarb 640 g/l).

use for the Docetron. Measure the EC in that solution. If the controlled mixture in your

For example make a 3 ‰ Cycocel solution in a 1 litre bottle using the water you will

Bavistin (Carbendazim).

water gives an EC of 1,8, the Docetron can later be fine tuned to give an EC on 1,8.

Fongarid (25 % Furalaxyl).

Fungal Diseases

Daconil 500 F (Chlorothalonil).

If the climate is carefully controlled from the start of production, precautionary sprays

Alliette (Fosetyl-aluminium 800 g/kg).

are not usually necessary but the crop must be carefully monitored to detect any fun-

Rovral Aqua (iprodion).

gal problems which might occur.

Risolex 50 FW. (Tolchlorfos-methyl).

Diseased plants must be immediately removed from the cultivation area to avoid in-

Rovral Aqua (iprodion). Risolex 50 FW. (Tolchlorfos-methyl).


The Docetron/Dosatron will normally draw the Cycocel directly from the bottle.

fecting neighboring healthy plants. All activities that damage the plants (for instance pinching) must be done with tools that are sterilized after touching each plant. If the humidity level around the plants is too high this can cause grey mould (Botrytis).

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