Sorrento Bowling Club Magazine Issue 84 March 2021

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Sorrento Bowling Club’s Quarterly News Magazine Our Special “Tribute Edition” to thank our “Priceless” Volunteers

No 84 March 2021




News from your Editors 4 President’s Report 13 Surprising Benefits from Volunteering 15 Volunteers responsible for Governance 17 Volunteers responsible for Finance 18 Event Organisers 19 Volunteers Who Provide Food 21 How Fast is Fast? 22 Volunteers for Grounds and Buildings 22 Volunteers Who Help Social Groups 24 Preparing Awards Submissions 27 Our Membership Volunteer 27 Volunteers Who Organise Bowls 28 Match Committee Reports 30 Volunteers for Communication 36 State Over 60s Triples 37 Volunteers for Training and Officiating 39 Silver Surfers 40 The Bionic Bowler 41 Sorrento Wins 2020 Men’s State Pairs 42 Volunteers for Social Bowls 44 Why are Men Happier People? 44 Joe Stow Heart Foundation Day 45 Our Fire Bell 46 How Old is Grandma? 47 What Lies Beneath The Surface? 48 The New Alphabet 50 Other Volunteers 51 Volunteers for “Club Vibrancy” 52 Members Draw Winner 54 Croquet Report 55 "Eagles, Crow and Partridge" 58 A Volunteer Who Generates Income 60 Sponsor’s Report 60 3

News from your Editors


e welcome all our readers to the first news magazine for 2021. Denise and I hope that 2021 will be a great year for us all now that we are almost back to normal after a difficult and frustrating 2020! We hope that you enjoyed your Boxing Day Easter eggs, hot cross buns and half price Christmas mince pies and ham. As one commentator observed, we started 2020 rationing toilet paper to four rolls and ended 2020 with Woolworths limiting their customers to four crayfish! What a turn around! Thanks Thanks to Denis Croker who designed the cover of this edition. We also thank Brian Lucas, Trevor Orton and Jim Woodward for their help as well as all our usual report writers.

Tribute to our “Priceless” Volunteers We are indeed lucky and privileged to have so many wonderful and dedicated volunteers in our Club. It has been said many times that if not for volunteers our not-for-profit sector, including clubs like Sorrento, would cease to exist. This statement is supported by recent research undertaken by Dr Lisel O’Dwyer from Flinders University who found that volunteering contributes more to the Australian economy than mining, agriculture, defence and retail industries put together. This research calculated that Australia’s six million volunteers contribute a whopping $290 billion to the Australian economy each year. For comparison mining contributed $121 billion to the GDP. In this edition we have focused on 143 of our current wonderful volunteers who put so much back into our Club. About 16% of our members volunteer with many members volunteering in different areas. With the help of Ken Giles and Brian Lucas it has been determined that these 143 members filled 240 volunteer roles.


Around Our Club

The McCarthy Clan enjoying Melbourne Cup Day - Trish, Leigh, Amelia, Lexi and Glen

10-year old Ruby Bates, daughter of David and Kay Bates, shows great skill in building a tower of beer mats. Alan Susta tried to do the same but failed!

Ian and Donna Jones enjoying a drink at our Club while waiting for their roast

Carole Ford, Helen Teasdale, Sue Delavale and Ros Newick had some fun while winning both their games at a recent Gala Day 5

Opportunities exist for other members wanting to volunteer as this will spread the work load. We are still looking for someone to look after Work Place Health and Safety (previously OH&S) as well as a Welfare Officer. Unfortunately, we have not been able to feature photos of every volunteer. Our collection consists of photographs taken at our recent Volunteers Appreciation evening and those collected over the years. Similarly, being human we are fallible and may have missed some of our current volunteers. Again, our apologies and please feel free to inform us of anyone we have overlooked and we will acknowledge your contribution in the next edition. In this special edition we have grouped our Volunteers as follows: √ Volunteers responsible for governance √ Volunteers responsible for finance √ Volunteers who generate extra income √ Volunteers who provide food √ Volunteers for communication √ Event organisers √ Volunteers for grounds and buildings √ Volunteers who help social groups √ Preparing awards submissions √ Volunteers for “Club vibrancy” √ Our membership volunteer √ Volunteers who organise bowls √ Volunteers for training and officiating


Members in Action

Runners up in the Men’s Fours: Bob Jeffs, Stan van Mosseveld, Peter Flack and Spider Webb

Runners up in the Women’s Fours: Lee Leach, Pauline Bourne, Coral Smith and Robyn Woodward Runners up in the Mixed Fours: Bob Jeffs, Shelley Jeffs. Robyn van Mosseveld and Stan van Mosseveld

We all know how much Ron Rogers loves his bowls. Here he is at the Over 60s “Swim Thru” Pairs at Cambridge


Trevor Orton presenting Chris Lander with the "1st Division Players Trophy", which he won for the 2019/20 season.

Members in Action – Continued

Runners up in Women’s Trips Kerry Hutchinson, Jan PowerTuke and Wendy Flack

Runners up in Men’s Trips Matt Sharrett, Bruce Eagles and Ian Linford

Three teams made their fifth annual trip to Dunsborough L-R: Larraine Brickell, Jan Siney, Robyn Woodward, Jan Paniperis, June Gregory, Lorraine Hyde, Lee Leach, Jan Cook, Carmel Hyde, Pauline Bourne, Coral Smith, Liz Marshall and Wendy Saul.

Winners of the Prestigious Crab Award


Pat Dichiera in his "mufti" outfit and a new hat with short longs or are they long shorts?

Some of our Community Bowlers enjoying an evening Left: Steve Mortimer and Alan Anderson getting in a bit of practice Right: Judy Campbell and Robyn Rowe watching some brilliant bowlers in action

Brian Clausen and Ray Stapledon – two of our umpires


Congratulations to Jan Cook, Coral Smith, Lorraine Hyde and Carmel Hyde for coming second at the Yanchep Gala Day.

√ Volunteers for social bowls √ Croquet volunteers √ Other volunteers Some more “Did you hear/know” Did you know that Wendy Flack has put our old newsletters/magazines onto our website? So if you are feeling a bit bored and want something to do click some of these on as they will bring back some happy memories as well as some sad ones when you see how many of our friends are no longer with us. Did you read this very very important warning from a Cardiologist for those who wake up at night to go to the bathroom? You must be careful and use the “One-and-a-half-minute law”. The brain needs greater blood flow, for having rested, causing a state of fainting and that is when the stroke happens. When you wake up to go to the bathroom, you must first stay lying down for 30 seconds and then sit up in bed for 30 more seconds lowering your legs and sit like that for another 30 seconds and only then get up. These steps will reduce your chances of a sudden stroke. Did you know that Charmain Harris has just become an Australian citizen? Apparently she had to answer some difficult questions and nearly failed when she could not tell the difference between thongs and flip flops or explain how to merge like a zipper. When she had to sing “Waltzing Matilda” she did not know the words!


Did you know that you should never sing in the shower? Singing leads to dancing, dancing leads to slipping, and slipping leads to paramedics seeing you naked. So remember – don’t sing in the shower! Did you know that Geoff Colyer swam from Cottesloe Beach to Rottnest Island (19.7 km) in February 2019? He was at age 69 the oldest participant although he told us that an 80 year old called Peter did the swim a few years ago. Geoff is planning to do the swim again in February 2021. Did you know that Trevor Orton’s original set of bowls belonged to Clive Adam’s grandfather? They were very wide, old-fashioned bowls and Trevor used them in 1998 when he started bowling. After a year he progressed to Taylor Aces followed by VSs and then Internationals, followed by SRVs then Optima and recently SRVs. Those of you who have played for or against Trevor will know that whatever bowl he uses it ends up close to the jack. Trevor tells me he actually beat Clive Adams in a game. But unfortunately it was not bowls, but bocce on the back lawn! Did you know that Jenny Wilmot has just become an Australian citizen? Croquet decided to do their own test on Jenny, to see if after six years in Australia she had truly embraced the Australia culture/ language. She was given a list of 25 Australia slang words to explain. She passed the test with flying colours with only two wrong. We believe that some Aussie would not have been able to answer them all. Well done Jenny! Did you hear that two of our Women's Pennants sides were awarded 8



badges? Saturday's Pennant team of Kath Harris , Wendy Saul, Kerry Hutchinson and Pauline Marsden picked up their 8 against Wanneroo in the second game of the season. Tuesday's Pennant team of Coral Smith, Jan Cook, Robyn van Mosseveld and Pauline Bourne earned their 8 also against Wanneroo. Did you hear that Stephen Bomford became a granddad on 6 January to Abbie Joan Bomford, weighing in at 3.49 kg? Proud great grandparents are Frank Bomford and Greg Boyd. – Neville and Denise Odell

President’s Report Volunteers Our “Volunteers Appreciation Evening”, held in early December, was a great success. A big thank to all our volunteers. You are a great bunch of people who give up hours and hours of your time, enabling our Club to be the great Club that it is and always will be. During the evening photos were taken to assist with our media and communications and to further recognise the work our volunteers do. We are also in the process of finalising a Club organisational chart where photos will be used to identify individuals and Volunteer groups. Ian Goodenough I have mentioned previously about the importance of grant funding to the ongoing financial viability of Sorrento. While securing grants requires a high level of effort and expertise, no grant will be successful without the support of external sources. Thanks to the support of Ian Goodenough, our local member in the House of Representatives


for the Commonwealth electorate of Moore, we have been successful in securing two Federal Government Stronger Communities Grants with the opportunity for more (no pun intended) into the future. Thanks Ian. Our Awesome Foursome Sorrento Bowling Club now has its own “AWESOME FOURSOME”. How good was it to come out of 2020 with a history making event? 2020 certainly ended with a bang and plenty to celebrate. Congratulations to Bruce Eagles, Greg Taylor, Chris Lander and Ross Cunningham for reaching the final of the Men’s State Pairs 2020. Club history was made. In an exciting final Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor beat Chris Lander and Ross Cunningham. This is the first time that the final of the Men’s State Pairs was played between two Sorrento teams. These history making results were a major highlight of a very strange and unusual 2020. Well done to our “Awesome Foursome“, you should all be enormously proud and honoured on your incredible achievement. Synthetic Green While the provision of a synthetic surface for E-Green may not fulfil the aspirational ambition of Sorrento to have an integrated, undercover bowling facility, it is a giant step forward in responding to the continual requests from members over the years for the Club to have a synthetic surface. This project, which hopefully will be completed within the next 12 to 18 months, would not have been possible without over $300,000 in grant funding from the State Government and the City of Joondalup. For this grant to be successful it required not only a $153,000 commitment from the City but also its priority recommen-


dation to the State Government. The City of Joondalup has also been greatly supportive of the numerous grant applications that we submit for City funding. A big thank you to the City of Joondalup and the State Government. Finally, most grants require an endorsement from the relevant State sporting association and Bowls WA has been most helpful when their support has been requested. Club Organisation Chart The Sorrento Bowling Club has become a complex business and sometimes it’s hard to get your head around how it is organised and who is who at the zoo. To make things easier to understand we are now using new software that allows us to diagrammatically show its structure and volunteer positions. An A-2 image is displayed at the entrance to our Club and we invite members to familiarise themselves with the structure. Members will also note several positions that have no photo because they are vacant. See if you can picture your face in one of these slots and have a talk to our Volunteer Coordinator Ken Giles. Good luck to all members in 2021, let’s hope it is full of positives and plenty of successes. Stay safe, strong and wise. – John Abercrombie

Surprising Benefits from Volunteering


e are truly fortunate in our Club to have 143 members who regularly volunteer. This represents about 18% of our membership so we have ample scope to accommodate many more volunteers. With the help of Dr Michelle Jongenelis, from the Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change, we have compiled the following list of the


benefits of volunteering. Her research and that of many others has demonstrated that volunteers not only increase their life expectancy but have: • lower blood pressure • higher self-rated health and greater functionality • better cognitive functioning • higher levels of life satisfaction • higher self-esteem and confidence • a greater sense of purpose in life • lower rates of depression and reduced loneliness • greater social connectedness and social support These attributes contribute to volunteers: • spending less time in hospital • experiencing higher personal growth • enjoying better physical and mental heath • feeling rewarded and fulfilled Research also shows you do not have to volunteer a lot to benefit – about 2-3 hours per week has been found to be optimal but whatever time you commit should not be perceived as burdensome! Volunteering roles are tailored to meet your individual needs, abilities, and available time. Roles range from Club management, committee membership, sports officials, supporting events such as community bowls and social groups through to maintenance and handy work, gardening, food preparation, BBQs and much more. So, whether you have an hour to spare or you are seeking something more substantial, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Ken Giles to discuss how you may join our many happy volunteers. – Brian Lucas/ Neville Odell/ Dr Michelle Jongenelis


Volunteers responsible for Governance


hen Sorrento was first formed over forty years ago the world was a quite different place. The Club’s establishment still required an awful lot of thought and organising, and it was volunteers who negotiated loans to build the first stage of the clubhouse and construct the first two bowling greens.

Sorrento is now approaching a million-dollar business and compliance and regulation have gone through the roof. Not-for-profits organisations like Sorrento are governed by the Associations Incorporations Act. This 150-page Act of Parliament established the rules under which a club can remain incorporated and sets penalties for breaches. The Act sets rules around club constitutions and by-laws and how they must operate. This Act along with other legislation such as the Liquor Control Act, Tax Act and regulations, Health Act and human resources and industrial relations legislation means that much work on governance is required and essential. We need to pay tribute to our G ove r n i n g Council. Since it was set up six years ago we have been fortunate to have members on this important committee who can manage a $1million business and think strategically. They have been able to manage and guide our Club through some difficult times. Our current council consists of John Abercrombie, Wayne Gray, Trevor Orton, Brian Lucas, Pauline Marsden and Pat Dichiera.


Special mention must be made about the contribution made by Pauline Marsden in her role as Office Manager – a time consuming and often thankless job. Thanks also to Frank Lilley who has spent many hours ensuring that our Constitution and By-laws are current and up to date. Also thanks to our Scrutineers Tony Friedlieb, Frank Bomford, and Alan Gallagher for ensuring that our elections are conducted in accordance with our Constitution. – Neville Odell

Volunteers responsible for Finance


at Dichiera has been our Treasurer for six years. We are fortunate to have someone of Pat’s qualifications and extensive financial experience.

Pat is ably assisted by Ron Taylor and Graeme O’Brien who share the till reconciliation and banking duties. Our post Covid closure financial performance continues to be impressive with net income of almost $65,000 this current financial year current assets of over $250,000. Our ability to build financial reserves was of course proved during the Covid close down and will be needed again to finance the new synthetic green. A 2020 estimate of the numbers of hours our 143 volunteers dedicate to our Club shows that they contribute about 14000 man-hours in a full year. If you value these at $30 per man-hour their contribution was worth $420000 per annum. Imagine if we had to outsource this


work or employ people to do it. We are indeed lucky to have so many “priceless” volunteers in our Club! An important source of income are our grant applications which have generated over $100,000 over three years. Brian Lucas and Wayne Gray have been instrumental in achieving the Club’s success securing grants. In addition, thanks to their efforts we were recently granted over $300,000 to construct the synthetic green through a CSRFF grant. We also need to thank all the members who sell raffle tickets. Raffles are an important revenue source. Helpers here include Keith and Margaret Cooper, John Murphy, Rob Tozer, Derry Ellis, Jan Cook, Frank Gandras Brian Self, Kevin Coffey, Judy Campbell and Kerry Bomford. – Neville Odell

Event Organisers

Events such as Opening Day, our Gala days and the Melbourne Cup Day also require a lot of organising and support from our “Priceless Volunteers”. Thanks to Jan Cook and her regular helpers Carmel Hyde, Lorraine Hyde,


Once again the Sorrento Bowling Club celebrated Melbourne Cup day


Jenny Lockwood and Liz Marshall. When Jan Cook called for volunteers to help with the Gala Day the following immediately put their hands up: • Multi Raffle – May Macliver, Mary Cressey • Books and Jigsaws – Liz Marshall, Emily Dunn • Jewellery – Jenny Lockwood, Shona Carter • Money Sheets – Carmel Hyde, Judy Campbell • Money Tree – Betty Stern, Carole Ford • Wine Raffle – Kath Harris, Jan Siney, Charmain Harris • Cocktails – Jan Paniperis, Helen Teasdale • Plants – Shona Carter, Moira Dean, Annie Taylor, Glen Larcombe • Pot of Gold – Anne Lilley • Kitchen Helpers – Judy Nicolaides – Ken Giles

Volunteers Who Provide Food


ood is always at the forefront on the minds of our members! On cold winter days the Dash for Cash bowlers always appreciate the delicious soups supplied by Pauline Bourne, Coral Smith, Shelley Jeffs, Jan Siney, Kath Harris, Fran Bracknell, Wendy Saul, Val McIntosh. Jan Cook, Liz Marshall, Anne Orton, Lorraine Hyde and Carmel Hyde. Barbara Lorencs has also helped. BBQs are a typically Australian way of feeding the masses and our regular sausage sizzles are always enjoyed by members and visitors alike. Our thanks to Alan Susta, Colin Bangs, Peter McIntosh, Frank Bomford, Tony Sabatino and Glen McCarthy who are always prepared to do this for us. Of course, our Pennant players would not be happy unless they enjoyed delicious sandwiches after a hard game. During a season our


volunteers prepare almost 10,000 rounds of sandwiches. On behalf of all our men we thank Val McIntosh, Pip Lucas, Shelley Gray, Wendy Saul, Nora Giles, Helen O’Brien, Marilyn Baker, Emily Dunn, Trish McCarthy, Mary Rolls, Gail Taylor, Bev Carrigy and Susan Hogan for making the most delicious sandwiches. – Ken Giles

How Fast is Fast?


id you know that if it takes 15 seconds for a bowl to travel 25 metres the bowl is travelling at six kilometres per hour ? I estimate that a full-blooded (“Mad Dog”) drive would take around three seconds to travel 25 metres and that works out to be 30 kilometres per hour. I also found a table that shows average walking speeds as we age: Age Km/hour 40 to 49 5.1 50 to 59 4.8 60 to 69 4.7 70 to 89 4.3 This means that at age 70, we are walking at 4.3 kph. So a lawn bowl for a 70-year-old travels 40% faster than walking pace. So Saulie will have to walk a bit quicker to reach the head before his bowl! – Trevor Orton

Volunteers for Grounds and Buildings


ver had a good look around Sorrento’s greens and surrounds and noticed how beautifully prepared and maintained they are? Ever


wondered what that involves? Well here is a quick snapshot of the extensive volunteer hours that go into providing ing this wonderful environment. Every Monday morning for more than ten years our Thumbs Up Club meets and maintains our beautiful gardens. This Club was set up by Kevin Cook and Tony Pilgrim. Thanks to current members Denis Crocker, Alan Gallagher, Peter McIntosh, Bob Jeffs, Colin Bangs and Brad Marshall for their efforts. Replacing all the bank rubbers has been a technical and labour-intensive task necessary to comply with Bowls WA requirements and became urgent when a few players chipped their bowls after driving. The project was led by Kevin Coffey and ably supported by Denis Croker, Dan Condon, Glen McCarthy, Murray Newman, Terry Parker, Colin Bangs, Steve Bomford, Frank Bomford, Colin Jasper, Bob Jeffs, Peter Snow, Roland Gee, Ron Rogers, Wayne Gray, Peter Crow, Terry Smith, Warren Smith, Ross Cunningham, Evan Cosh, Alan Walton and Brian Collins. Kevin estimates that the project to date has involved about 300 volunteer man hours and if the project was externally funded the Club would have been up for a bill of around $12000.


At the start and end of summer we need volunteers to put up and take down the shade cloth. All Ken Giles has to do is announce the dates and Bob Jeffs, Colin Jasper, Mike McGeehan, Glen McCarthy, Alan Gallagher, Terry Parker, Brian Staples, Warren Smith, Ken Giles, Derry Ellis, Stan Brickell, Evan Cosh, Colin Bangs, John Hobbs, Les Burnett and Brad Marshall put up their hands. Grounds and Building Maintenance tasks are capably undertaken by Wayne Gray, Peter Crow, Colin Jasper, Warren Smith, Terry Smith, Brian Saul, Egon Mikolajczyk, Bob Jeffs, Spider Webb, Alan Walton, Mike McGeehan, Kevin Coffey, John Sturk, Brian Collins and Colin Campbell. Colin also regularly cleans the Club’s many windows and doors. – Ken Giles

Volunteers Who Help Social Groups


n extremely important aspect of Club operations from both a financial aspect as well as providing a good hunting ground for members and players, is hiring out the Club’s facilities.

Even with the COVID-19 restrictions Tony Friedlieb, our Events Coordinator, organised 88 events in the last six months of 2020 generating substantial income in hire charges and bar trade. These events are really appreciated, and Tony gets lots of letters of thanks. Many functions seek to play bowls which of course takes considerable volunteer organisation, often at times when the rest of us are relaxing at home or tucked up in bed. Increasingly schools are seeking to use the greens as part of the school’s curriculum and to get the students into active participation and team sport.


This past Christmas we had not only the regular school groups but also a large number of “Office Parties”. These groups need help and supervision and it is not an onerous task. Please let Ken Giles know if you are available to help in the future as this will spread the work around a bit. Our sincere appreciation goes to Phil Bilich, Evan Cosh, Roger and Shirley Palmer, Stan and Larraine Brickell, Kevin McKersey, Trevor Orton, Jim and Helen Ironside, Carmel Hyde, Lorraine Hyde, Ken Giles, Ian Wittber, Gary Bayne, Kevin Coffey, Peter McIntosh, Kaye Martin, Tony Bourne, Derry Ellis, Brian Staples, Bob and Shelley Jeffs, Frank Bomford, Danny Condon, Monique Kopec, Alan Walton, Kevin Cook, Betty Stern, Ron Taylor, and Pauline Marsden for their ongoing support. Special mention must be made of Alex Third’s and Tony Bourne’s contributions. They are always prepared to help. Community bowls are held every Tuesday during their summer season, ably supported by Graeme O’Brien, Helen O’Brien, Gary Bayne, and Roger Palmer. Frank Gandras looks after raffles.



We also have our Sunday morning scroungers competition run by Tim Murray, Wendy and Peter Flack and their helpers throughout winter. – Ken Giles

Preparing Awards Submissions


rian Lucas, with the support of the Governing Council, is the main producer of our award submissions. Brian has said many times in the past “you can’t write a 20-30 page submission without having something to write about”. Clubs WA and Bowls WA awards are the most sought after and each have different criteria. Bowls WA has bowls membership and bowls achievements as their major point scorers whereas Clubs WA focuses more on governance and compliance. The winning of awards is an important external validation that Sorrento is on the right track and having won four Clubs WA Club of the Year awards and being the only club to be admitted into their Hall of Fame and winning five Bowls WA Metropolitan Club of the Year awards would seem to confirm our recognition as “Best bowling club in WA”. – Neville Odell

Our Membership Volunteer What would we be without members and having nearly 800 members means a fair bit of work to maintain our records and ensuring that renewals are sent out, fees paid and players registered with the various associations. This job is done by Geoff Murray


who has toiled away at the task for the past four years. The task is never easy and requires a fair degree of computer and organisational skills particularly learning the Club’s recently installed Bepoz system. – Brian Lucas

Volunteers Who Organise Bowls


he primary purpose for the Club’s existence as outlined in our Constitution is the playing of lawn bowls. To be successful in such a large club that offers Pennants, Social and other bowls events it takes a lot of organising and hard work by our volunteers. This year saw the introduction of the Bowls Management Committee which currently comprises the two bowls captains and chaired by the Vice President of Sport and Participation, Trevor Orton. The Committee’s primary purpose is to, in conjunction with the other bowls committees, review, develop and recommend bowls policy. A good policy framework makes the job of the bowls, match and selection committees more consistent and easier to implement across both Men’s and Women’s competitions. The conduit between the Bowls Management Committee and the operational committees of Match and Selection are the Men’s and Women’s Bowls Committees. Volunteers on these two important committees are John Godfrey (Club Captain and Chair of Men’s Bowls Committee), Ken Giles, John Farmer, Warren Elliott, Brian Clausen, Trevor Orton, Jim Ironside and Rob Tozer. The Women’s Bowls Committee is made up of Jan Cook (Club Captain and Chair), Jan Paniperis, Pauline Bourne, Shona Carter and Lee Leach. Sorrento is also continually active supporting Bowls WA with Brian


Lucas on their Board looking after governance and people development, Trevor Orton (Fixtures and Events), Anne Lilley (Bowls Management) and Gavan Ebsworth (Umpires). Our Men’s Match Committee comprising volunteers Rob Tozer, Paul Doherty, Dan Greig and Brian Staples are doing a great job overseeing, organising and scheduling of championships and other events. Thanks to Anne Orton who spends many hours assisting the Match Committee with recording and reconciling scorecards especially during events such as Dash for Cash. Women’s Match Committee volunteers Lee Leach, Larraine Brickell, Shirley Palmer, Helen Teasdale and Robyn Woodward have worked hard this year. Lee Leach’s experience in the position has helped the new members to learn the requirements. Being on a Men’s Selection Committee can sometimes be thankless trying to please the aspirations and vagaries of around 160 men bowlers playing Saturdays and Thursdays. We thank our volunteers Warren Elliott, Tony Bourne, Chris Lander, Brian Self, Ian Wittber and Ron Burroughs (who served a part term). Women’s Selection Committee volunteers Shona Carter, Charmain Harris, Jenny Lockwood, Wendy Saul, and Jan Siney have worked hard this year to place compatible teams together based on merit. Well done. Organising State competitions and events and other competitions is another key aspect of a successful bowling club. This is no easy


task, and we need to thank Gavan Ebsworth, Ian Wittber and Trevor Orton who are assisted by members of the Men’s and Women’s Match Committees. – Brian Lucas

Men’s Match Committee Report

Men’s Second Division and Under Singles This new event was held in late October. From a field of 24 entrants, numbers were whittled down by sectional play, quarterand semi-finals to a 21-up final between Wayne Grey and Neville Odell. This proved to be a tight game throughout. Neither player was able to get a significant break, with scores level at 12-12, 16-16 and 18-18. Ultimately Wayne was able to gain three shots on the final end to give him the win. Men’s Fours: Thirteen teams entered the competition which were divided into four sections. The winning skippers of the four sections were Brian Collins, Peter Flack, Bruce Eagles and Mal Burton.


In the first semi-final Peter Flack’s team defeated the team of Brian Collins 13-11 in a closely fought contest with the lead changing a number of times. In the 2nd semi-final Bruce Eagles’ team led the whole match against the team led by Mal Burton despite some

anxious moments to win 17-11. In the final the Eagles team consisting of rookie Matt Sharrett leading, veteran Russ Lockwood playing second and Ian Linford playing third were too strong and won comfortably 19-6 against the Flack team of Bob Jeffs, Spider Webb and Stan van Mosseveld. Mixed Fours

One of the less fancied teams, led by evergreen Spider Webb, shone on the final day of this producing two excellent performances to win this event. Congratulations to Spider Webb, Matt Sharrett, Kaye Martin and Carole Ford. In the semi-finals they easily accounted for Rob Tozer’s team 21-7. In the other semi-final Robyn van Mosseveld’s four were too consistent for the team led by Murray Hulbert and won 23-12. In the final the Webb team were too strong on the day for the team of Robyn and Stan van Mosseveld and Shelley and Bob Jeffs, winning 21-14. Men’s Triples


The team of Alan Barron, Mal Burton and Leith Oldham defeated Bruce Eagles, Ian Linford and Matt Sharrett 19-11 to be champions for this season. Eagles' team started strongly to lead 5-0 after two ends but thereafter were out bowled by a more

consistent team on the night. Leith Oldham had an excellent game as lead and his efforts were complimented by strong performances from Mal Burton and Alan Barron. Bruce Eagles played some big bowls towards the end to keep his side in the hunt but to no avail. In the semi-finals Barron’s team defeated the team of Shane Loftus, Pat Murray and Kyle McIlroy in a very competitive match 17-14 after being level at 14 all with two ends to go. In the other semi-final Eagles’ team came from behind to defeat the team of Colin Jasper, Peter Snow and Denis Croker 16-9. – Rob Tozer/Dan Greig

Women’s Match Committee Report Women’s Veterans Singles 2020/21 Apologies for this late write up which just missed the deadline for our Christmas edition of the news magazine. This event was held in mid October with six players in two sections. The final was played in late October between the two sectional winners – Lorraine Hyde and Jan Paniperis with Lorraine aiming for back to back titles, while for Jan it was her first final in this event. On a perfect day for bowls, the game was long, low scoring and a close tussle with neither player able to get a break of more than three on the scoreboard. Lorraine then picked up a three on one end which brought her to a 20-14 lead. Jan never gave up, picking up a one and a two on the next two ends to bring it back to 20-17. Lorraine managed to get the last shot on the following end,


bringing to a close what had been an enthralling game for the supporters on the bank. Congratulations to both players on a great final and especially to Lorraine for winning both the 2019/20 and the 2020/21 events! Women’s Fours In early November seven teams entered this event giving us one section of four and one section of three. Because of the small number of teams we decided to take a winner and runner up from each section to give us four teams to go through to the semis. The winner of section one was Robyn van Mosseveld’s team and the runner up was Jan Cook’s team. The winner of section two gave us Pauline Bourne’s team, and runners up Moira Dean’s team. The first semi-final was between Robyn van Mosseveld against Moira Dean. The van Mosseveld team took the lead in the first three ends and the next three ends were taken by Deans’s team. Both teams stayed close throughout the game, but the final score had Moira Dean’s team winning by two shots. Pauline Bourne and team played off against Jan Cook and again it was a close game both teams holding their own throughout. By the second last end it was the Bourne team leading 18 -13. The last end gave them another shot to qualify for the final. In the finals Moira Dean, Kerry Hutchinson, Lesley Hughes, and Carmel Hyde got off to a great start going into the lead after two ends, giving them a lead of four. The third end went to Pauline Bourne, Lee Leach, Robyn Woodward, and Coral Smith. It was a slow start for the Bourne team losing the next five ends. The Bourne team won the next four ends to bring the score to 10-9


to the Dean team with one end to play. The Bourne team took the initiative with their Third and Skip placing three bowls on the kitty potentially giving them the match, However Moira still had two bowls to play. Her first attempt at an upshot went wide whilst her second attempt managed to “wick” off an outside bowl and took out two of the Bourne teams shots to finish the game at 10 all. At this point Moira acknowledged her “arsey” bowl by dropping her daks to the spectators who were fortunately at the other end of the green. This meant an extra end had to be played, with the Dean team cock-a-hoop from the outcome of the previous end they managed the winning shot to end the game 11-10 in their favour. Congratulations to Moira, Kerry, Lesley and Carmel taking the Championship Fours Trophy for the 20/21 season. Women’s Championship Trips In early December nine teams entered this event so we had three sections. The format was two bowls per player and 14 ends with 16 ends in the final. The four section winners from were Sandy Everest with Lee Leach and Wendy Saul competing against Jan Power-Tuke with Kerry Hutchinson and Wendy Flack



and Robyn van Mosseveld with Shelley Jeffs, and Lesley Hughes competing against Jackie Maxwell, Cheryl Greig and Kath Harris. The winners of the semi-final were Power-Tuke’s team going on to the finals against Maxwell’s team. The finals were held on a Friday evening in conjunction with the Men. The weather conditions were good although there was a slight wind which at times had some effect on the play, sometimes strong enough to keep bowls away from the jack!! An amazing game to watch with the two teams competing for the Championship. Maxwell’s team got off to a good start taking the first two ends, with Power-Tuke joining the game on the 3rd end. The bowling from both teams was exceptional and kept all of the spectators on the edge of their seats as the teams exchanged the lead constantly. With one end left to play the Power-Tuke team were sitting with a 3 shot lead leaving the Maxwell team with a mountain to climb on the last end, however they showed no nerves and managed to come up with the necessary 3 shots to tie the game. There must be a winner and a loser so an extra end was played and after excellent bowls from both teams the Maxwell team emerged as winners by one shot to claim the Triples Trophy.

Volunteers for Communication This is the Achilles heel of most clubs and something that Sorrento has taken seriously for many years. The Club developed a Marking and Communications Strategy in 2016 which set out what we wish to communicate, to whom and through what media channels.


Our communication with members seems to be working well and we thank Wendy Flack (for her website, Facebook postings and e-newsletters), Neville and Denise Odell (for their Quarterly News magazine). Denis Croker (for his 700 image PowerPoint presentation that scrolls through the TV above the notice board) Brian Lucas and Jim Woodward (for their articles and suggestions) and Jan Paniperis (for her proof reading). We also thank Ian Lucas for setting up and looking after our Facebook page and for his excellent photographs. Wendy will be looking after Facebook in future. – Ken Giles

State Over 60s Triples


n late November Bruce Eagles, Ian Linford and Greg Taylor withstood plenty of pressure from Markus Merz, Max Petrich, and Greg Reagan to secure their first Over 60’s State Triples title. Early in the final whilst playing in blustery conditions Eagles, Linford, and Taylor led 8-2 after five ends. Three ends in a row Merz produced several with his last bowl. On the ninth end, Merz was able to produce


a running shot that moved the jack to go one down instead of four down and then on the tenth end Merz sat an opposition bowl out of the head to go from one up to four up and draw his team level at 9-9. Eagles hit back with a three of his own before the Merz team went on a run to win the next five ends in a row. At 17-12 up with only two ends to play it look like Merz was on his way to complete a great comeback victory. However, a loose seventeenth end saw Eagles holding four shots with only one bowl each for the Skips to play. Merz stepped up and drew what looked like the match-winning shot, finishing less than a foot from the jack. But this time it was Bruce Eagles' turn to answer his teams call by calmly stepping up with his last bowl and sitting the Merz shot out, making four shots, and drawing within one going into the last end. The last end was befitting of a final with the players going bowl for bowl. On the cross over it was Ian Linford with the tying bowl inches from the jack. With Eagles having the first bowl, he was unable to add to the count and draw the winning shot. Merz then stepped up and as he had done earlier in the game took the Sorrento bowl out to hold shot. Not to be denied, Bruce then played the bowl of the day. With two second shots, Eagles decided to put the pressure on and go for the win rather than drawing for an extra end. Finding his way through a small gap between the front bowls, he was able to connect with the Merz team shot bowl, pushing


it out of the head. Marcus Merz had one bowl to rectify the situation and claim the match but was unable to draw close enough leaving Bruce Eagles, Ian Linford and Greg Taylor with two shots, to claim a remarkable win 18-17. Well done Sorrento! – Pieter Harris Editor’s Note: Rick Munt was heard to be claiming that he helped with this win by shouting “Go Sorrento” at a critical stage when there were two ends to go.

Volunteers for Training and Officiating


nyone who has played bowls for some time knows that the game of bowls is not easy to master, if it can ever be mastered. The game is also quite complex in its structure.

We are extremely fortunate to have among our volunteers our Coach Coordinator, Brian Clausen who was the Bowls WA 2018 Coach of the Year. He is supported by Ray Stapledon and Bruce Eagles. Our coaches spend many hours helping both new bowlers as well as more experienced bowlers who are having problems. Thanks must also go to our “Motivational Coaches” – Rhett Butler and Trevor Orton who encourage, motivate, assist and manage Pennant teams. Thanks also to John Godfrey who gives up his bowls on a Saturday to manage our Men’s Premier team. Our Coordinator of Umpires is Jim Ironside working diligently with


his team of Gavan Ebsworth (an international umpire), Evan Cosh, Jim Portwood, Dan Greig, Graeme O’Brien, Brian Clausen, Derry Ellis, Russell Ellen, Ray Stapledon, Jan Siney, Ros Newick, Helen Teasdale, Cheryl Greig and Jan Cook.

– Brian Lucas

Silver Surfers


s we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers. Yesterday, I had a problem, so I called Georgie, the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. Georgie clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, ‘So, what was wrong? He replied, ‘It was an ID ten T error.’ I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, ‘An, ID ten T error? What’s that? In case I need to fix it again.’ Georgie grinned. ‘Haven’t you ever heard of an


ID ten T error before? ‘No,’ I replied. ‘Write it down,’ he said, ‘and I think you’ll figure it out.’ So I wrote down: ID10T. I used to like Georgie, the little shithead. – Barry Stewart

The Bionic Bowler


ast year my bowls got progressively worse and quite a few very well meaning bowlers suggested I change to a smaller bowl. This did not help as I was still having difficulty gripping the bowl. My Doctor, during a regular check-up, suggested an X-ray of my hands. The resulting images, we both agreed, looked like a gnarling mess which he diagnosed as severe osteoarthritis and he upped my Panadol dose. As Bowls WA had waived the need for the referral letter from a Doctor I talked to other bowling arm users and decided to purchase a stick.

I knew Eddie Tassone had bought but hardly used the very brand and size of stick I wanted and he agreed to let me try it out. After just 30 minutes of rolling up I knew I had just found a new and special friend. I called Eddie and the purchase price was agreed. Some weeks later I was playing in the same team as Eddie and during a rain delay he asked how my arm was going and I answered, “Really amazingly good” which resulted in some harmless banter and accusations around the table of extortion at the purchase price of such a valuable item. Well, a few weeks later more humour and amazement occurred when


Eddie told us he had purchased a new identical bowling arm and was out of pocket as a result! I am now surgically attached to my bowling arm and totally love it! Some information/comments I have encountered while reading about bowling arms. • Some Clubs run events specifically for bowlers who use bowling arms as 8% of bowlers are now armed • Some suggest armed bowlers have an advantage over able bodied bowlers as they can more frequently deliver a bowl on the correct line and that arms are “performance enhancing” • A study has found 98% accuracy on getting correct line for armed bowlers compared with able bodied at 65-70%. • Armed bowlers can increase their bowl size which helps in windy conditions Some think the stick is a cunning, sneaky and devious aid so I guess I am one who now uses a “cheating stick”. I am proud to be a Bionic Bowler for many years to come! – Tony Bourne

Sorrento Wins 2020 Men’s State Pairs


he event was held over three gruelling days of extreme heat at the end of December. It was the first time on record that all four final players were over sixty and the first time since 2000 that all finalists were from the same Club – in this case, Sorrento! Congratulations to the winners Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor who defeated Chris Lander and Ross Cunningham to take the title. Both teams had played superbly through the sectional and knockout play, with Bruce and Greg defeating Blake Nairn (Cambridge)


and Darren Wilkinson (Bunbury) in their semi-final, and Chris and Ross defeating Charlie Slavich (Doubleview) and Corey Bessant (Mt Lawley) to make their way into the final. As the oppositions’ supporters drifted away following the semi-finals, there were plenty of Sorrento members left to watch the final. The atmosphere was strange for a State Event final, with a Sorrento trophy guaranteed. Without the shouts and cheering for rival clubs, the mood was subdued and relaxed, with gentle applause for great shots and calls of encouragement for all our players. The game was played in great spirit, although the exhaustion was evident as the final progressed. The first three ends saw the teams feel each other out resulting in singles before Eagles and Taylor made the first telling blow by grabbing a three and a 5-1 lead. All players were in the zone and a high standard final was the result but the player making the most impact was Bruce Eagles. Greg Taylor and Ross Cunningham were having a great battle in the lead and thirds position and Chris Lander was doing a great job in the second and skips position but Eagles was providing telling blows with his consistency on every end. For much of the game, both teams won multiple ends in a row. Lander won singles on the 5th and 6th ends but Eagles took a three and single on the 7th and 8th end.


Two more singles from Lander saw a 5-9 advantage to Eagles even though both teams had won five ends each after 10 ends of the 18 end game. For the final eight ends,

the teams traded blows but again it was Chris winning singles and Bruce grabbing an occasional double. Bruce and Greg grabbed a single on the 11th end to start the trading and finished the game with a single on the last end to win the game 16-8 and take home the title. Congratulations to all four players! What a tremendous achievement.

Volunteers for Social Bowls


ocial bowls has long been an important part of the Club’s bowls activities and Sorrento is arguably one of the strongest clubs supporting social bowls. In 2017 we introduced Recreational Bowling membership and it has proved extremely popular for members not wanting to play Pennants. But like all bowls games, they need to be well organised. Supporting the two Match Committees is a plethora of hard-working volunteers including Barbara Spence, Betty Stern and Carole Ford who organise our social bowlers on Friday and Sunday afternoons.

Why are Men Happier People?


hat do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another petrol station rest room because this one is just too icky. You don’t have to stop and think of


which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress – $5,000. Tux rental – $100. People never stare at your chest when you’re talking to them. New shoes don’t cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Two pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original colour. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck. You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes - one colour for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can ‘do’ your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on 24 December in 25 minutes. No wonder men are happier!

Joe Stow Heart Foundation Day


n early December thirty of our social bowlers held their annual Joe Stow Heart Foundation charity event, with a great turnout on a lovely day for bowls that raised $250 for this organisation. Our newer members will not know how much Joe and his wife did for our Club. For many years this delightful couple ran social bowls on Fridays and Sunday afternoons. If you had not called in to register for a game you got a call to ask where you were! Joe had nick names for a lot of the bowlers and ended up as “Fat Cat” and that is why we still have a special corner in the Club. Congratulations to everyone who participated to ensure the day was a


success, and to the winners Jenny Bartlett, Brenda Richardson, Peter Irvine and Doug Eisenhammer (pictured). Well done also to runners up – Clive Webber, Colin Scott and Herbert Eisenmann. – Barbara Spence

Our Fire Bell


id you know that our Club bell was originally mounted on a WA Fire Brigade 1923 model Dennis fire engine? This truck initially served Leederville and then Boulder where it was decommissioned in 1961. It was sold to a member of RAAFA and was housed at the RAAFA base in Pearce. Over time it became a bit of a white elephant and they wanted to get rid of it. In 1973 Ron Harley, an active reserve fire fighter, established the Fire Brigade Historical Society. He was able to locate the whereabouts of the bell and the owners agreed to the transfer to him. At the official opening of the Sorrento Bowling Club in 1976, Ron as a foundation member donated the bell in recognition of the foundation members efforts to get our Club established. Members need to read the message behind our bell as there are penalties for those who ring the bell for fun! – Ian Wittber


How Old is Grandma?


tay with this as the answer is at the end. It will blow you away. You’ll no doubt relate to it.

One evening a grandson was talking to his grandmother about current events. The grandson asked his grandmother what she thought about the shootings at schools, the computer age, and just things in general. The Grandmother replied, “Well, let me think a minute, I was born before television. Penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, Xerox, contact lenses, Frisbees, the pill. There were no credit cards, laser beam ballpoint pens. Man had not yet invented pantihose, air conditioners, dishwashers, clothes dryers, man hadn’t yet walked on the moon. Your Grandfather and I got married first, and then lived together. Every family had a father and a mother. Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, “Sir.” And after I turned 25, I still called policemen and every man with a title, “Sir.” We were before gay-rights, computer-dating, dual careers, daycare centres, and group therapy. Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good judgment, and common sense. We were taught to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions. We thought having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins. Draft dodgers were those who closed front doors as the evening breeze started. Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and weekends — not purchasing condominiums. We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CD’s, electric


typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings. We listened to Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the President’s speeches on our radios. If you saw anything with ‘Made in Japan' on it was junk. The term ‘making out’ referred to how you did on your school exam. Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, and instant coffee were unheard of. You could buy a new Ford Falcon for just over A$2000, In my day “grass” was mowed, “coke” was a cold drink, “pot” was something your mother cooked in, “rock music” was your grandmother’s lullaby, “Aids” were helpers in the Principal’s office, “chip” meant a piece of wood, “hardware” was found in a hardware store, “software” wasn’t even a word. We were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby. We volunteered to protect our precious country. No wonder people call us “old and confused” and say there is a generation gap. How old do you think I am? Editor’s Note: This woman would be only 67 years old. She would have been born in late 1952. Gives you something to think about!

What Lies Beneath The Surface?


orrento’s exploits on the bowling green are, and always will be, highly visible. Outstanding wins and not-so-great performances have always been there for all to see.

But when it comes to off the green activities, Sorrento, in some ways, is a bit like an iceberg –only one eighth of what members are otherwise involved in is on display.


It’s been well documented, and we all deeply appreciate, the efforts of around 143 volunteers who, through a wide range of activities, keep things ticking along – they are truly the lifeblood of our Club. That vein of loyalty and commitment runs very deep at Sorrento. But when you look at the remaining seven-eighths of that iceberg below the waterline, the quality and dedication of many of our members is revealed as quite remarkable and emphasises what an amazing group of people we have among us. Their contribution to the community speaks volumes for their generosity and caring. Listed below are many of those people and what they do when they have not got a bowl in their hand: • For three years Colin Campbell has been assisting the Leukaemia Foundation – Australia’s national blood cancer charity– by taking patients to their appointments. Russell Lockwood also drives for this organisation • Murray Newman has been driving patients and doing maintenance for two years for WA Multiple Sclerosis. This progressive neurological disease affects more than 25,000 Australians • Since 2005 Jenny Lockwood has been travelling to Cambodia to assist the Tabitha Foundation. Each year she organises people to make the trip with her to Cambodia to build houses for peasant farming communities • For five years Keith Tompkins has volunteered at “People Who Care” an organisation that helps people with disabilities and those starting over after domestic violence. • During COVID-19 Glen Larcombe made head scrubs and laundry bags for nurses. These protective aids were really appreciated as they were in short supply • In retirement now, Kevin Coffey continues to help children with problems by taking them on outings to the zoo and Kings Park • Anne and Trevor Orton collect food, clothing, and books for the Stirling Women’s Refuge, an organisation that provides crisis ac-


• • • • • •

commodation for women and children due to domestic violence. Terry Parker volunteers at Tuart Place in Fremantle. This organisation helps adults who were in out-of-home care during their childhood by providing counselling and support services Charmain Harris volunteers at Brightwater Aged Care Home looking after “old” people Jan Siney volunteers at the Perth Children’s Hospital looking after young children with respiratory and other problems Frank Tyson volunteers at Shalom House. They offer a rehabilitation program to anyone with an addiction or people with anxiety, fear, or emotional trauma. Roger Palmer has been volunteering at the QE2 Hospital by ferrying patients in a golf buggy from pick up to drop off points Ken Partridge has been driving for Meals on Wheels for 15 years and providing community transport for the Stirling Council. His wife tells us that she has been providing Ken with meals for forty years and wishes he would deliver some meals to their house!

If we have inadvertently left you off this list please let me know and we will include you in our next news magazine – Jim Woodward/Neville Odell

The New Alphabet


his is not for kids. You seniors better learn your alphabet all over again. Remember when A was for apple, and B was for boat, That used to be right, but now it won’t float! Age before beauty is what we once said, but let’s be a bit more realistic instead. Now we have the “Senior’s Alphabet”: • A is for arthritis; • B is the bad back,


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

C is the chest pains, perhaps cardiac? D is for dental decay and decline, E is for eyesight, can’t read that top line! F is for fissures and fluid retention, G is for gas which I’d rather not mention. H is for high blood pressure – I’d rather it low; I is for incisions with scars you can show. J is for joints, out of socket, won’t mend, K is for knees that crack when they bend. L is for libido, what happened to sex? M is for memory, I forget what comes next. N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low; O is for osteo, bones that don’t grow! P is for prescriptions, just give me a pill and I’ll be good as new! Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu? R is for reflux, one meal turns to two. S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears, T is for Tinnitus; bells in my ears! U is for urinary; troubles with flow; V is for vertigo, that’s ‘dizzy,’ you know. W is for worry, now what’s going ‘round? X is for X-ray, and what might be found. Y is for another year I’m left here behind, Z is for zest I still have in my mind. I’ve survived all the symptoms, my body’s deployed, and I’m keeping twenty-six doctors fully employed! – Thanks to Sue Hogan for this useful list

Other Volunteers Other Volunteers who “just get on with the job” are: • Carmel Hyde maintains our library


• Ken Giles, our Volunteer Coordinator, who maintains our records, allocates duties and organises volunteers • Wayne Gray who has run the Darts section for the last ten years as President after serving on the Darts Committee for eight years. Wayne does so much around our Club. It is estimates that he averages 25 hour a week • Rob Tozer who is responsible for liaising with Alan McFayden our greenkeeper • Brad Marshal for tree lopping and pressure washer cleaning • Peter McIntosh for making boxes to house table numbers and for maintaining the alfresco and barbecue area • Danny Condon who is always prepared to drive the bus for the Darts members as well as for the bowlers • Kaye Martin who maintains our new coffee machine • Colin Campbell for keeping our windows sparkling clean.

– Neville Odell

Volunteers for “Club Vibrancy”


ne of the goals contained in our strategic plan to “establish a Club environment that is vibrant, enjoyable and attractive to members, guests and prospective members”. Sorrento is indeed one of the busiest bowling clubs around serving over 100 meals on a Friday evening and crowds approaching 200. On these occasions the Club is a hive of activity with Kevin Coffey controlling the mike with announcements and the ever-popular Chase the Joker, ably supported by Judy Campbell, Frank Gandras, Bob Anderson, Kay Bates, Michelle Murray and Jackie Maxwell. Keith and Margaret Cooper who run the meat pack raffles, The bar operates at a frantic pace dealing with the large number of patrons and trying to meet their varied needs which includes everything from preparing a lemon, lime and bitters through to “do you have a



pen” , or can I have some change for the coffee machine and where to sign up for the game on Sunday”. Our paid staff are ably supported by many volunteers who have secured their Responsible Serving of Alcohol certificates. Always prepared to help out are Ron Taylor, Alan Susta, Rob Tozer, Glen and Trish McCarthy, Graeme May, Kevin Coffey and Lindsay Baker. – Brian Lucas

Members Draw Winner


ur ever popular Friday Night ‘Members Draw’ Jackpot started at $2000 in October 2019. It has been sitting at $5000 for 19 weeks. Friday 15 January 2021 saw a long time “Life Member” and "Founder Member" scoop the pool. May Leyland was the lucky person to have the pick and with four cards left she went middle of the bottom row and turned the Joker. May looked shocked as the win sank in. A capacity crowd cheered and clapped a well deserving winner. This ‘Members Draw’ has been running for over 12 months with a 14 week break during peak Covid times and 50 active weeks at the Club. During the 50 effective weeks of the Draw over $11,500 found its way back to the ‘grass root’ members of Sorrento Bowling Club. Some members had multiple attempts to find the elusive Joker. Mike Carmody x 3, Brian Collins x 3, Pat Dichiera x 2, Dave Cook x 2, Richard Cook x 2, Kim x 2, Jenny Gandras x 2, Claire Hanlon x 2, Susta x 2, Dave Bates x 2, Greg x 2 and May Leyland with the one that counted.


he new ‘Members Draw’ Jackpot will start at $2500. Congratulations to May and thanks to the members who come down weekly and support this event. We will continue to provide bonus draws and give back to the lucky participants. – Kevin Coffey

Croquet Volunteers


roquet is an important element of our Club’s fabric thanks to Kerry Bomford, Di McGivern, Jan Craddock and Terry Craddock who all volunteer for the Croquet Committee. Di McGivern also looks after coaching and refereeing. Terry Craddock does general maintenance. When the Croquet Club’s large sign needed some repairs last year, Brian Collins stepped up.

Croquet Report Opening of a new Croquet club Last year, the Belmont Tennis Club became the Belmont Tennis and Croquet Club when they allocated two lawn tennis courts to the playcroquet. Croquetwest assisted in the set up by seeking equipment from other member clubs .All WA Clubs were invited to the Opening conducted by the Member for Belmont, Ms Cassie Rowe. Visitors were invited to participate in a number of croquet games of skill. Experienced players assisted those who had never tried the game. An enjoyable morning was followed by a sausage sizzle and raffles to raise funds for the new club. Di McGivern won a new croquet mallet donated by John Dunn of Busselton, who makes croquet mallets as a hobby and sells them for only $100 (most “branded” mallets sell for around $400). After six weeks, the new club has 20 members, who are thoroughly enjoying their new-found sport.


Invitations to play at other clubs While the Sorrento croquet courts were “out of action” and being beautifully re-surfaced by our Greenkeeper, Alan McFayden and his team, our members were attempting to play on the local soccer field, which was far from being ideal. However, a number of our members were invited to play as guests at other clubs, such as Nedlands, Como, and Forest Park. We are grateful to these clubs for making our members feel so welcome. Visitors to Sorrento In November, members from the Narrogin Croquet Club travelled to Perth to play social croquet followed by a cold meat and salad lunch at Sorrento. We intend to hold more of these games during this year (Covid permitting) to encourage our newer members to experience playing against other clubs and to encourage them to represent SCC in competitions and tournaments in the future. The day was very successful and enjoyed by all. Tournaments and Competitions WA Team Trials The WA teams were unable to play in the National Competitions in 2020 due to the travel restrictions imposed by the Covid-19. So, instead of the usual WA Team Trials held between the WA “A” and “B” teams as practice for the Nationals, Croquetwest decided to hold “Faux Team Trials” by making up another two teams – WA “C” and “D” teams. Over three days in November, each team played against all the others under the rules of the National Competition, with each match comprising two games played over two and a half hours. Di McGivern was invited to join the “WA “D” team and managed to acquit herself well by winning all four of her singles games against the “C” team and one against a “B”


team player. She partnered, Matthew Whitfield in the doubles and they won their games against the “C” team. Busselton Spring Festival Tournament Five members of Sorrento Club travelled down to Busselton for this two-day event. The usual partnerships of Jan and Terry Craddock; and Jenny Wilmot with Cheryl Saul entered. Di McGivern’s usual partner, Trish Klemp, was unable to play over that weekend and so Di was partnered with Moorabinda player Dianne Bower. This worked well with the Di and Dianne winning all seven of their matches in their Block. They played the winners of the other Block in the finals, but were beaten in that game. All in all, a successful weekend for Sorrento. Moorabinda GC Country Singles Competition Our four “regular competitors” entered this competition with very encouraging results. It was a two-day competition, with rain presenting an additional challenge for players on the first day. Nonetheless, Jan Craddock ended with six wins, and Jenny Wilmot and Terry Craddock chalking up five, and three, wins respectively. Having just lost one of her games on the first day, Jenny reported to Terry that her mallet head seemed to be loose. Terry (ever the maintenance man) produced an Allen key and promptly tightened it up for her. How did she repay this kindness? Well, when playing against Terry in the final game of the day, the score reached 6-all with the 13th hoop still to be played. Instead of Jenny deferring politely to Terry as a way of thanking him, she insisted on playing “to the death” with the game going on for over an hour – whilst the hosts were packing away the equipment – until, at last, Jenny prevailed beating Terry in a very closely-fought 7-6 result! How’s that for gratitude?


Vic Park “Flexi” Doubles The last competition of the year was held in mid December with Jenny and Cheryl and Terry and Jan competing yet again! The competition included some of Perth’s top players but our pairs still managed to acquit themselves admirably. More important than the number of games won in such a competition, is the number of learning experiences that our players gain! Their feedback was very positive and reflects well in their games within the Club. Gosnells One-Day Singles This singles competition held 17 January, was so well subscribed it ran as three separate competitions – two were held at Gosnells Croquet Club, while the third was held at Vic Park Croquet Club. Jenny Wilmot, Cheryl Saul and Di McGivern all entered, but were not successful in bringing home any prize money, which was won by two “B” Grade players from Forrest Park and Cambridge Clubs – all other players were “C” Grade players. – Kerry Bomford

"Eagles, Crow and Partridge"


ell the Sorrento Bowling Club, (home of the mighty Sorrento Swans), might not offer the opportunity to sight the beautiful Black Swan within its premises very often, but it does have a wonderful variety of resident and visiting bird life regularly in attendance. The pics alongside were taken around our clubhouse by my wife Ros and are beautifully presented here for you to peruse. A long-standing passion for photography led to her taking such pic-


Some of the Beautiful Birds at Our Club

"Mmmm, I like this nectar" (Red Wattle bird)"

Singing Honeyeater watching some good bowls go down

A Lorikeet in good spirits Magpie lark surveying the Sorrento scene

Wattle bird on take off with a morning snack


New Holland Honeyeater not impressed at a wrong bias

tures after moving on to her new camera back in April 2020 when the Covid pandemic was beginning. On walks around the waterways and bush lands of Perth with me in tow, she began capturing some marvellous shots which she posted on Facebook, much to the delight of her friends. Ros uses a Tamron 100-400 Zoom lens F4.5-6.3 with her Nikon D5600 DSLR camera. These pics were taken outside our Clubhouse but we also have a ‘bird life’ within the premises if you consider the lovely ‘birds’ behind our bar to be such and one can only imagine how the ‘feathers would fly’ if Messrs Eagles, Crow and Partridge were to attend at the same time. – Chris Lander

A Volunteer Who Generates Income


ponsorship is a major income source generating over $30,000 per year. Our 40 sponsors are looked after by Barry Stewart. Remember our sponsors support your Club and all they ask in return is to be given a chance to win your business. So before you buy carpet, get your car serviced or repaired, seek out jewellery, prepare for a home BBQ, buy groceries, get a haircut, get your joints or hearing fixed, buy security screens or a clothesline or gardening, plumbing and repairs for your house – or sell your house, give our great sponsors a chance. Visit our website to see a complete list of our sponsors.

Sponsor’s Report


hanks to Barbaro for sponsoring the Twilight bowls. Remember if you want good meat pop into Barbaro. It is so popular that you have to take a number on arrival and then wait your turn.


Thanks to Barry and Paul Bradshaw who continue to sponsor the Women’s Pennants Pots awards A number of our members now support Brad's Barber Shop who has been sponsoring the Men’s Pots for many years. Wayne Raffaele's Duncraig Plumbing has already done work for Alan Rolls, Bob Stevens, Neville Odell (twice) and myself. Please continue to support Wayne. The observant amongst you will have noticed that there is a second Trevors Carpets sign on our B-green. This is to acknowledge what Ray Green has done for our Club over many years. Our A-green is sponsored by Spraggon George. If you are buying or selling please contact them for help and advice. Davindra Chavda from Unique Home Renovations has promised to provide a full write up in the next news magazine on what his company can offer members. If you need reticulation maintenance or lawn mowing remember to contact Jeff from JS & DM Raffaele Contractors on 0412925286. In conclusion I would just like to say to all our members that our use of Sponsor's products and services is important. It is also important to have the Sponsors recognise your membership of our club so that they can see their outlay has some return to it. It is good to know that members are sponsor aware as I often receive questions about possible Sponsors and I am always happy to discuss the sponsorship arrangements. – Barry Stewart





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