Sprite Sheets, Editing Brush presets and Alternating Brushes

Hello again,

I have a couple of questions instead of creating two threads:

  1. Is it possible to export animations as a single sprite sheet instead of exporting a myriad of individual pictures? If so, how? I’ve searched the forum for “exporting sprite sheet” but got no results.

Apparently other people have asked:

But there was no answer.

I mean something like this:

  1. Is it possible to edit the brushes available? There are a lot of them and I usually use the same 3 or 4 so it’s wasting space.

    (I’m talking about this).

  2. I often go from erasing to painting and when I turn my pencil around, it often doesn’t register. Is there a way (pressing a key) to alternate between brushes? At the moment, I have to scroll all the way to the upper right every time and I’ve probably lost hours doing so.

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  1. The only way I can think of is to Render out your animation of sprite images on a transparent background with Export option set to Image Sequence to give you the frames as .png files.
    Then Layer -> Import/Export -> Import -> as Paint Layer each one onto a suitably sized canvas.
    Then set up the Move tool shortcut distance to give a suitable offset and move each layer/sprite to where you want it to be.

  2. That’s what the tagging system is for:

  3. The ‘eraser end’ of a stylus must be set to be an eraser preset (or whatever you want) at the start of each session by using it to select an eraser preset (or whatever you want) because the ‘eraser end’ selected state is not remembered between sessions.
    Or, you can use the ‘/’ key which is the default shortcut for ‘Switch to Previous Preset’ so you can use it to switch between two different presets.

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Thanks for the answers, especially #3!

I hope there’s a better solution because I have animations 20+ frames so importing each single one and moving it around is unthinkable for me. I’d need something like with Graphics Gale:

If there’s no way to do this I’d need to drop Krita which would suck as I’ve spent so much time learning how everything works and getting used and comfortable with it…

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