The Hulk

Hi there! I share with you my digital painting based on a scene from the 2003 film “The Hulk” directed by Ang Lee.

Although the movie didn’t do well at the time and was criticized for its slow pace, weird editing and special effects among other things, I honestly loved it. I was 9 years old when the movie came out and I have very fond memories of me and my friends going to see it at the theater.

I also share with you a little glimpse of my painting process, from the basic pencil sketch to the final brush strokes.

Everything was done in Krita with default brushes.


Well done!

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Thank you!!

I also remember seeing this film when I was a kid. To be honest, it was scary as hell for me at the time, and I thought it was a horror movie. Sure, it is a bit outdated by today’s standards, but still not as bad as everyone makes you believe it is.

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Yes I agree! I used to be a bit scared of the scene where Bruce’s father transforms into this huge creature made of electricity! But I loved it, and today, as an adult I totally get what Ang Lee was trying to achieve with this movie.

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