Had someone pick Lee Sin on OFA, if I can’t play a champion YOU picked, do not flame me nor spam ping my build. You picked your champion, I’m gonna try to build where I feel makes me comfortable. Yes, I went W max on him with Ardent and Athens in the...

Had someone pick Lee Sin on OFA, if I can’t play a champion YOU picked, do not flame me nor spam ping my build. You picked your champion, I’m gonna try to build where I feel makes me comfortable. Yes, I went W max on him with Ardent and Athens in the match, gave hella good shield and I have as tanky, but hey weird build upset you? Sorry I don’t build damage if I know I can not do Lee mechanics. Legit hated that match—only fun I had was the shields.

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    Everyone tryhards everywhere (pve, norms, ofa, arurf, urf, etc). I don’t play Lee Sin and I’ve told them. Tbh I think...
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