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The Tessellated Pavement is located just north of Eaglehawk Neck, in Tasmania. Nearby, a number of other geological attractions are located, including the Tasman Arch, Devil's Kitchen, and the Blowhole.
However, the Tessellated Pavement was the most intriguing for me, with the rock formation looking very much like it was man-made, due to the very straight and parallel lines in the rock formation.

There are two main types of formations in the Tessellated Pavement, with the pan formations (as shown in the two photos below) being concave (ie, pan-shaped), and the loaf formations (to be shown in a future blog post) being convex like a loaf.

pan formations at the Tessellated Pavement
pan formations at the Tessellated Pavement
Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania
Canon EOS 350D, 10-22mm @12mm, 1/40 sec, f/9, ISO200

Here's another shot of the pan formations, with my wife's legs for scale.

pan formations at the Tessellated Pavement
pan formations at the Tessellated Pavement
Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania
Canon EOS 350D, 10-22mm @10mm, 1/25 sec, f/9, ISO200
Nick wrote at 2008-07-07 01:03

That's pretty cool, it really does look man-made. I wonder what caused the cracks to all form so straight and parallel.

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