Lisa Woodroffe, MD, CAQSM

Lisa Woodroffe, MDPediatrician and Sports Medicine Specialist

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics - General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

What made you decide to pursue a career in medicine?

Caring for children has been a passion of mine from an early age, and medicine provides such a unique, personal opportunity to do so. Over time this evolved to incorporate interests in preventative medicine, including keeping patients active and healthy through additional sports medicine training.

How do you see women impacting the future of medicine?

I see women embracing their strengths and unique differences to push health care forward. For example, I’m part of a growing community of physician women interested in breastfeeding, and I’m continually amazed at the ingenuity and steadfast resolve these women have dedicated to both ensuring the needs of their children while working demanding jobs and advocating for their patients in difficult situations.

What words of advice would you give to younger women hoping to begin studies or a career in medicine?

Work hard, find your passion, and chase it. You won’t regret it.

What is a hobby of yours outside of work?

I enjoy running, spending time outside with my husband and children, and photography.

This year’s theme for Women in Medicine month is “Women in Medicine: Trailblazers, Advocates, Leaders.” What does this theme mean to you personally?

As the first female staff in primary care sports medicine, I am working to develop programing specific to the care of active women. Women have unique needs when it comes to training, injury and recovery, and we have the ability to personalize our care to meet these needs.

Learn more about Lisa Woodroffe, MD.