Just How Big is an Emu Egg?

Kathryn Rose, A Lady of Letters
2 min readSep 15, 2023

This is a short post because your time is precious.

I am going to get right to it… I did a lot of research on Emu eggs because it was a clue in last Sunday’s puzzle. (68A: They’re laid in Australia, September 10th, 2023.)

First of all, let’s look at an emu so we are all on the same page.

It’s this bird.

Listen, I know it is a horrible picture, but I cannot stop laughing. These birds are ridiculous, and I know you come to the internet for quality content.

You are welcome.

Here’s a better picture.

A bit more regal in this one, eh?

And their babies are actually pretty cute.

Are we settled on what they look like?

Small facts:

  1. They are the second largest birds after ostriches.
  2. They cannot fly.
  3. They lay black and dark green eggs.


They are beautiful and, for the record, VERY expensive. Depending on where you live (especially if you aren’t native to Australia) eggs can range from $20–$50 per egg.

They sound delicious. You can prepare them like a normal egg. However, if you want to hard boil one, it could take close to an hour. Why? Because the average emu egg is approximately 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and about 4 inches in diameter. They can weigh up to 2 pounds.

Here’s a picture of an emu egg next to a chicken egg.

My mind is blown. I am trying one if I ever get the chance.

Remember: knowledge is power, especially when trying to solve a crossword puzzle!




Kathryn Rose, A Lady of Letters

Come here to enjoy the repeated failures of an enthusiastic learner with a high pain tolerance. Will I ever complete a NYT crossword puzzle without Google?