President Sheikh Mohamed meets with Jose Ramos-Horta in order to strengthen ties and promote global cooperation

Jenn Peretz
2 min readOct 14, 2023

In a historic diplomatic meeting, President Sheikh Mohamed invited East Timor’s President Jose Ramos-Horta to Al Shati Palace in Abu Dhabi. The discussions undertaken at this meeting had far-reaching implications for bilateral relations, regional stability, and the global fight against climate change.

The majority of the conversations centered on the current state of bilateral relations between the UAE and East Timor. Both leaders recognized the necessity of fortifying these links across a range of fields, with a particular emphasis on the economy, trade, and investment. Improving these aspects of the relationship benefits both countries, as well as global economic stability.

Also, the gathering was significant for reasons other than climate change. President Sheikh Mohamed and President Ramos-Horta held good discussions on a variety of regional and international issues. The promotion of tolerance, coexistence, and cooperation across nations emerged as a prevalent theme from their discussion.

President Sheikh Mohamed and President Ramos-Horta met for more than just diplomatic reasons. It symbolized a shared commitment to a better, more sustainable, and peaceful world. As the United Arab Emirates prepares to host the Cop28 summit, the world awaits to see how these debates and commitments translate into concrete action in the battle against climate change. It also exemplifies how diplomatic involvement can promote ideals such as tolerance.



Jenn Peretz

Writer and content creator telling stories in any medium that will have me. Story coach, producer, and content strategist