I saw this article and it got me thinking about the Robsten crap.
I thought that I would share my opinions of the last few year’s
rumors of the pair. 

 I have stated many times before that I am a skeptic
where these two so called relationship is concerned. 
 If they are in fact dating I couldn’t be more happy for them both,
however as long as Kristen and Rob continue to deny there relationship
I will stand by them 100%.
Whether they are in fact a couple and
are denying there relationship with the world or not.
My opinion on them denying any relationship is that
this is the smartest damn thing they could possibly do.

 So lets just back track for a minute shall we.

 The whole damn rumor started when the phenomenon did.
Hum could this be for sales of the movie?
These movies sell a lot on the own,
but why not make all the screaming and crying tweens
keep guessing if Edward and Bella are together in real life?
I mean no harm towards Twilight,
Stephenie, Rob and Kristen or the fans
I too am one myself obviously I am just giving my observation.

 Rob and Kristen met in 2001 while auditioning for Twilight
and the following year,
Tweens were screaming at the premiere of the film,
wondering if Bella and Edward were, like,
totally together in real life.
People were talking about the way Rob looks at Kristen,
saying it looks like he wants to eat her,
if that’s not love I don’t know what is,
wake up Kristen that boy is in love with you and so on.

 These things were enough to have everyone
speculating that the chemistry between these two
had indeed leaked into there real lives.
There were numerous public appearances that added fuel to the fire, *cough* Oprah
and then can we all forget the oh so famous pictures?
Hand-holding, eye witness reports of cuddling,
the hotel sleep over after the 2009 MTV Movie Awards,
The recent pictures of the hotel in Rio,
to Robert is going to propose on the breaking dawn set
and Stephanie is going to help him design the ring,
but no one is to know about it. 

 Not doing it for you how about
Kristen was pregnant, buying a house together,
 secret engagement, the voodoo wedding or
that Robert was leaving Kristen for his co-star
Emilie de Ravin? 

 Oh and can we ever forget about the concert pictures
of them supposedly kissing,
when all it is, is Mr. Pattinson leaning in,
there is no lip lock.
I recently went to an Ozzy concert and
I could barley hear my husband speak,
that I had to lean in to understand what the hell he was saying.
Hum maybe this is what Kristen and Rob were doing?

 Bullsh*t according to Rob
and I have to agree,
I’m sorry folks but I just have a hard time believing all of this.
If there relationship is true the media sure knows
how to make us not believe it.  
Rob and Kristen have both denied their relationship
in every way possible from
refusing to comment.
Laughing it off and
telling us all that they are just friends.

 Oh just a few more to add fuel to the infamous fire,
the love child, affairs with Taylor Lautner,
The rest of the Cullen family and wolf pack.

 I have to say that most of us are waiting for conformation,
but myself well lets just say
I will hold out hope that Mr. Pattinson is still damn well single

 I for one don’t understand why we crave this sort of information;
I guess it goes back to High School drama
where we all crave the juicy gossip for the week.

 Whether you’re a believer that the two are a couple or not,
all I can say is where is the real god damn news?
Tell me about Breaking Dawn, Bel Ami or
what wonderful deeds the man has done recently. 

 Anyhow there’s my little rant
now off to look at some hot damn pictures
of Robert so I can go cool myself off






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