5. The Bias-Wrecker: Kim Jaejoong – The Soul of TVXQ

Hello again. So to distract my mind off this nasty case for a while, I’ve decided to start this small project which I have been trying to do for a while now but keep feeling lazy. Nothing too exciting, but I just wanted to write an opinion on each of the 5 members in the order of my personal ranking (ie: from number 5 to number 1 – who is my bias). Because my love for the group is big lol, there is a lot of jumbled rankings and opinions about them so I figured I would write them down for anyone interested.

Just as a note before I begin – because I don’t really follow JYJ, I can’t comment much on their post-split personality. I can do a little but nowhere near as in depth as the 2 TVXQ members who I do follow. So when I say TVXQ here, I literally mean pre-split days unless specifically stated.

PS: this post seriously stressed me out because I wanted to somehow articulate my adoration without messing it up and somehow condense it into one post instead of a freaking book – there is SO much I want to say. It took me 3 days and still is far from what I wanted it to look! Imagine when we get to number 1?? It will probably take me 2 weeks…Also this might kill your computer and internet. Sorry. Please don’t hate me.

So starting at number 5, as you can tell by my title, is Jaejoong!

Pre-amble: just because this guy is my number 5, doesn’t mean I don’t like him. In fact – words cannot describe how much I DO like him. For example, Jaejoong would never come second to any other bias I have in ANY other group. It just happens to be that if I had to personally rank the 5, Jaejoong would be last; yet interestingly he plays an important role for me in several ways – and I will talk about that in my post.

OK, so let’s start. If I had a word to describe Kim Jaejoong, the most relevant k-pop related term would be a “bias-wrecker.” One day, my younger brother who also follows k-pop groups (but more girl groups and BTS) was talking about his ranking of his bias group – and how he had a clear number 1 but there was someone who he REALLY liked but did not want to replace his number 1 position. I told him “oh that’s simple; she is just your bias-wrecker!” So he asked me about who mine was in TVXQ – and I really thought about it and realized…it was surprisingly Jaejoong.

Let me start with my take on him, and ease up to why he is my bias-wrecker.



  • Visual: 1st
  • Voice: 2nd
  • Personality: 5th


Visual: Goddamn that unique looking face. I must admit, the majority of the times, I will not admit how much I admire his visuals. I really think he has a face made for a girl and so it feels odd calling a man 1st in the visual ranking because he looks like a girl. But if I had to be very very honest with myself, this man is gorgeous. Just look at this:


Maybe it’s the aura he carries, the confidence he seems to exude, his pride in his looks – I don’t know what it is, but his face is really unique in an attractive way. I think in the first YunJae couple talk, they were discussing how you could spot Jaejoong from anywhere in a picture or in a crowd because of his face. That’s kind of true. I can see that happening lol. So yes – visually this man ranks number 1 for me – not just in TVXQ, but across all k-pop groups.


Also I can’t help but have a thing for men who look better as they age, and hot damn, this guy looks SO much better with every passing day – like how he looks at 30 is x10000 better than how he looked at 20. That’s a thing for me LOL

Younger Jaejoong:

Older (much hotter) Jaejoong:

Voice: You know how in fanfictions (yes I do read some from time to time), whenever Jaejoong’s SPEAKING voice is being described, the adjective “lyrical” is always used? I cannot think of a better way to describe his voice. It truly is lyrical. And I haven’t even gotten to him singing yet. He has such a beautifully unique voice – whether speaking or laughing or singing, it’s unmistakable. It’s just that he has this melodious lilt in the way he speaks which you kind of always want to hear.

And his singing voice – sigh…because I am attracted to all things unique, there is one more person in the group with a more unique singing voice which will come later in his individual ranking – but I tend to like the other person’s singing voice more because of its uniqueness….and so Jaejoong lands at second. There are times though where I ask myself when listening to Jaejoong sing – what the hell am I thinking? How is this not my number 1? Here are some examples:

This song which he sang in the army – I don’t know if he arranged it that way himself or what – but I’ve never loved a cover song more than the original as much as this:

Jaejoong was obviously the main vocal in the group of 5 (assuming he is the main vocal of JYJ now? Or are all 3 the vocals?) and he does carry the songs beautifully and adds to them a touch which even I have to admit is irreplaceable.

In the second JaeMin couple talk, Changmin does an excellent job of describing what I think of Jaejoong’s singing voice. He said, I will paraphrase, that every single singer has a voice that lends to a bias. You will always think “oh this voice suits a ballad,” or “this voice better suits rock.” It does not mean they don’t do well in other genres, but you have a bias in your mind of what kind of music they will be better at. The magic of Jaejoong’s voice is that it literally does not trigger ANY bias in your mind. As you can see in the example above – the man’s voice is made for rock music, pop music AND ballad music. To put it simply, it’s a voice to be heard, that should never stop singing. And I hope to God he takes care of his voice more and stops smoking because I can already start detecting a difference, and it would be an absolute shame in life to not hear this voice sing one day.
PS: seriously, every time I watch those Japanese rock videos, I go like – ah no wonder Japan is so enamoured by this man. He could be J-Rocker and I would have believed it. Doesn’t he remind you of Hyde for example (style wise)?

Personality: obviously given such high rankings for visual and voice, the question would be – why is he ranked 5th then? The answer is personality.

This isn’t going to apply to everyone of course, but I almost feel like the first 2 points are quite popular opinion. I can find many people who will agree with me (most people actually) because they are a little factual. Talent is talent. Where people will differ is in the personality.

As a brief note again, I just wanted to highlight something about myself. To me, personality has a HUGE impact to how attractive I find someone. I did not realise this at first, but once I started becoming aware of it, it made so much more sense. I won’t deny that the FIRST thing I look at would be the visuals, but even the most attractive man in the world can look ugly to me if their personality is ugly. Similarly, I find myself seeing a lot of good features and points (visually) in someone who has a really good personality, even if initially I did not think they ranked high in the visual department.

The fact that Jaejoong manages to rank number 1 on my visual list even though he is my number 5 on the personality list is a testament to how attractive I think he is. It is honestly unprecedented for me to have such a gap but Jaejoong broke it for me lol.

Here is my take on Jaejoong’s personality. In case you have not noticed by now – this is not meant to be a bashing post. Just an honest one (in MY opinion).

I think Jaejoong is really kind. When people say he looks cold but has a really warm heart, I actually see it. It does take a while to see it, but you see it very clearly in his interactions with the members. And I don’t mean Yunho and Yoochun – who he is close to. But to Junsu and especially Changmin who he took care of honestly as they were his own family. I spend a lot of time watching Changmin (for reasons you will find out in his post lol) but I see his interactions with many people – and they are all beautiful interactions, but none as special as that with Jaejoong. The difference between all the other guys and how Jaejoong interacts with Changmin (and Junsu!) is that he nurtures them. Actually. He removes the air of awkwardness and almost makes them feel free to be and say what they want without feeling bad about it. Jaejoong is the oldest member in the group, Changmin is the youngest and I have honestly NEVER seen Jaejoong use the I am older than you card (not even through actions). Where Changmin is withdrawn and quiet in general (unless he can bully Junsu), when he is with Jaejoong, he literally opens up. It’s REALLY nice to see. As someone who has friends like that, I can relate very much to what Changmin feels like when Jaejoong is around and how comfortable he makes him feel. The same can be said for Jaejoong and Junsu. It’s like when he is in a bad mood, Jaejoong won’t call him out on it. If he is in a good mood, he will encourage it. It is SO sweet.

I love JaeMin:

I want to give you an example – this moment is quite well known across the fandom, and one of the fandom’s favourite videos for many reasons.


This was in 2008 – when TVXQ won the MMKF awards after finally returning to Korea after years in Japan. It meant a lot to them, it meant a lot to the fandom, and the emotions were running quite high that day –you could see it in their faces. The majority of the clips capture the same thing – they go up on stage, Yunho is talking to the crowd, Changmin unexpectedly breaks down and starts crying and Yoochun comforts him until Yunho hugs him. It is quite popular. But I don’t know how many people saw this version of the video – which is actually the same clip filmed from their back and honestly you see a much sweeter story. Maybe this story is well known too but I honestly did not see this version till quite recently actually. You can watch it here:

So when you look at from this angle, you see some more things. Sure enough, Changmin starts tearing up and the first to pick it up obviously are the fans. Look at 2:43 at Jaejoong. He hears the fans and looks at Changmin and notices him crying, and again something you will only see from this angle – alerts Yoochun from behind to go comfort him. Only when Jaejoong taps him urgently, does he look to see Changmin and goes to hug him. Also in the background, Junsu is struggling to keep his tears in and is hiding behind Jaejoong. Once again, Jaejoong instinctively is checking around and see s this and comforts Junsu. Here it is (also one of my favourite Jaejoong moments):

At 00:53 – the same scene as above, Jaejoong notices Changmin crying and let’s Yoochun know. From the front, it looks like nothing is wrong because he is smiling, but we saw how he tapped Yoochun above 🙂

At 00:57 – Junsu who was barely holding it in, when he saw Changmin, he looked like he was going to burst out crying himself and hid behind Jaejoong.

At 01:01 – Jaejoong looks for Junsu and sees him crying behind him, and comforts him. In fact, because Changmin’s shocking display of emotion that surprised everyone, I don’t think ANYONE except for Jaejoong noticed Junsu’s crying….so HA to all the JaeSu haters out there lol. It’s such a sweet moment.

And what does that say about Jaejoong – the person who is emotional, but put comforting everyone else above himself?

This is just a small example – but I don’t know why, it means A LOT to me have that nurturing member there. In fact, isn’t he exactly like their mother? He cooks for them, he loved them, took care of them, took care of their feelings. It’s really beautiful to see.


His relationship with Yoochun and Yunho is also equally as great. I do not mean not to focus on it, it’s just that his relationship with the younger 2 members is what distinguished him for me than in another groups for example.

It is because of this aspect of his personality that if you ask me, who is the MOST members I miss out of JYJ being in TVXQ, it is undoubtedly Jaejoong. I can’t obviously begin to understand what the 2 are feeling, but I can’t help but wonder if he is also the one they miss the most. That presence is honestly almost impossible to be replaced…

As great as all that sounds, there are also quite a few issues with Jaejoong’s personality.

  1. Fan service: anyone who follows the world of k-pop will know there is an excessive amount of fan service in the industry, especially in boy bands. There seems to be an unexplainable amount of shipping within each fandom that drives the market of fan service (or maybe it is the other way around, I don’t know). TVXQ is actually one of the groups with the least amount of fan service I have seen. I am not saying they don’t, they obviously do – hello, YunJae anyone? – but generally speaking, if I had to honestly say it, TVXQ is kind of an uptight band. They are quite serious about EVERTHING. If they’re asked a question in a variety show even if it was not serious, they most likely will answer it seriously. This group honestly contrasts significantly with other such as Super Junior for example. I am not saying they don’t know how to have fun, or are not funny people – but they definitely are not aiming for laughter when they are interviewing or are in shows. In fact, my personal opinion is that this has to do with their leader – Yunho – but that will come in HIS post. So all in all, yes, they’re not very fan-servicy, which to me is a wonderful thing. This appeals to me in MANY ways. And that’s why to me, any interaction they have with each other is much more genuine in my eyes than other groups – because it does not feel like fan service. Which leads me to my point – out of the 5 – the most one who did show fan service in those moments would be Jaejoong. Any by that I mean, there are a lot of times when he seems to be a little…fake. I can split this into 2 categories – one that doesn’t bother me and one that does. The first is – as an example – his relationship with Yunho. He KNOWs that this ship goes beyond any ship in k-pop, and perpetuates that belief. He speaks about reading the fanfics, liking it, he giggles and says weird stuff to Yunho on public television. Like I don’t care if you’re a YunJae believer or not (I’m not), but I don’t understand why someone needs to sing “I want to be your bed for a day” in another language so people don’t understand ON PUBLIC television, if it wasn’t fan service. Also, he did a lot of touchy fan service with Changmin during the last months before the split – and I don’t know why but it seems to have REALLY made Changmin uncomfortable (maybe I should just do a JaeMin analysis LOL). These don’t bother me as much though. What DOES bother me, was after the lawsuit – the continuous talk and dramatisation – for example that MAMA speech he did. I really don’t like this speech. I can’t imagine how the 2 must have felt listening to it.
    As I said, because I do not follow JYJ much,  I do not know the context of a lot of their interviews, but I do follow “mentions” between the groups – and so I know that Jaejoong spoke a lot about TVXQ, still being part of the group, tweets about seeing Yunho and Changmin in their dreams, the tweets about texting them etc…I understand. I am a human being, and I understand that Jaejoong seems to have been in pain emotionally. I do think he overplayed it though by taking it to the public. I would have respected JYJ’s choice much more if they accepted the consequences of their actions – instead of playing the martyr card over and over. And for me, Jaejoong perpetuated most of this image in my head more than Yoochun and Junsu did.
  2. Thought process: On a personal level, I can’t help but think that if there is someone I would not get along with, it would be Jaejoong. What I mean is I can BARELY understand what is the point he is trying to say. I used to wonder if the translations of stuff I was reading was off – but I could understand what others are saying, so I figured it was either that they were struggling to translate his thought process so it would come off as a little…odd – or he really was odd in his thought process. It’s hard to explain unless you’re watching him speak for a while…but it’s almost like he zones out mid-way and starts another topic. So you start a topic and then suddenly it takes a turn to a different discussion. So he is very very hard to follow. Which can be cute – but if he is like in serious discussions too I can see it as quite frustrating. To be fair though, this seems to have waned off significantly as he grew older – he doesn’t seem to be like that in his speech now.
  3. Stubbornness: I think his stubborn streak can cause him quite a bit of issues. I will not get into the discussion of the JYJ split – but I can’t help but wonder many times if Jaejoong is the one who regrets the decision the most. He seems to be the most one who stuck with this idea out of stubbornness – we DESERVE to be compensated more, we DESERVE a cut in another business. When he left – we STILL are part of TVXQ, JYJ of TVXQ. This stubborn streak is almost like a self said matra in his head which validates what he is doing, but almost like he does not think it through ( seriously – no bashing if you’re a JYJ fan – this is an opinion piece…).

I’m a pretty negative person, so I hope that the piece above does not make you think I don’t like Jaejoong or think badly of him, because quite on the contrary – I think Jaejoong has grew into a (too) beautiful and smart man, and I think that he is honestly one of my favourite people to follow. He really is unique – looks wise and personality wise, and it is not common for me say “oh this guy is like Jaejoong” because he’s one of a kind.

Also, I must admit, even if he is not my bias, no matter what – when I think of TVXQ as 5, I think of Jaejoong. I feel like a LOT of people would do. This man was honestly the soul of the group, and I know with all my heart that TVXQ to Jaejoong will always be one of the most important things in his life, and that he will always identify himself as part of this group. Because I am so much more focused on the current TVXQ, because it hurts a lot of think of past days – I tend not to think of the feelings of the 3 as much. But when I do – I can’t help but feel some kind of despair that Jaejoong must be feeling no longer being part of it. So – I will leave you with this video that i just saw today actually, of Jaejoong talking about his tattoos, which he has a reminder of things he wants to remember.

“As I’ve lived my life until now, the things that I don’t want to forget, the things that I was thankful for, and the things that I was sorry about.Those things I’ve articulated into words and have carved them onto my body.”

10 thoughts on “5. The Bias-Wrecker: Kim Jaejoong – The Soul of TVXQ

  1. This is a GREAT analysis and I really enjoyed reading it. I think this is probably the most accurate – and sincere – fan account/review I’ve ever read about Jaejoong. If you don’t mind, could I quote you on my tumblr?
    You’ve accurately articulated a lot of how I feel about Jaejoong and contextualising him against TVXQ. You are so right that TVXQ comes across as being a very uptight band who’s completely and utterly focused on their image and music, and usually answers questions seriously. Back in the mid 2000s, at the height of their popularity, I knew there was a reason why I loved their music but was bored stiff by their variety shows. SJ on the other hand was the complete opposite – their music wasn’t shockingly fantastic, but they were hilarious on TV and carried every variety show they were in. I can also see what you mean about Jaejoong being the member you’d have the most trouble getting along with, haha. I hope you don’t mind my asking – but I was wondering what your horoscope is? Jaejoong, Yunho and Changmin are all Aquarius, and what I find fascinating is that Jaejoong in particular seems like a very extreme version of Aquarius, with all his weirdness and contradictions and random outbursts and emo-ness. I too think that I’d have trouble getting along well with Jaejoong, because he seems most similar to me in temperament, and funnily enough, him and I share the same birthday – his real February birthday, that is. I’d love to read a Jaemin analysis, and if you have time, I’d appreciate it ever so much if you could write up on the 2012 sasaeng incident, where Jaejoong was caught hitting and swearing at some of his sasaeng fans.
    Speaking as someone who can read between the lines and see some method to Jaejoong’s madness, I think he’s bipolar and suffering from manic depression, and still trying to figure himself out without going completely crazy. By all accounts he’s the heaviest smoker and drinker out of the quintet, and has on several occasions stated that he’s unable to fulfil societal expectations, and that he’s scared of growing old. I think he oscillates between heights of hope and black depths of despair and is constantly in a lot of pain and doesn’t have closure on the things that matter most to him (ie TVXQ’s split), hence the binge drinking and all the excessive tattoos. He’s interesting, mad and achingly beautiful, but it kind of feels like he’s a train wreck waiting to happen.

    1. Hello again! I hope to respond to your comment fully! Thank you so much for commenting – these kind of comments help inspire me to keep writing!

      OK let me try and respond to everything!

      I am not sure if my analysis is accurate but it really is my sincere feelings for Jaejoong, who I really do respect. I was always worried that my analysis came out so negatively but it really isn’t meant to be taken that way. I am glad you liked it. I have no problem at all in you quoting me anywhere – thank you for that 🙂

      Btw, I wanted to clarify – I don’t necessarily feel BORED watching TVXQ in variety shows as much as I think that others who don’t follow the group might. I find that unlike SuJu, their humour and jokes is a more inter-group one where SuJu is very much an extroverted type of humour. SuJu are TRYING to entertain others whereas I think TVXQ were not. So a lot of their jokes were kind of inside jokes that you understand and appreciate if you follow the group. So I personally found their shows so funny but that’s because I knew what they were referring to or who they were teasing etc. Whereas when my brother or my mom when they watch it they don’t find it funny.

      My horoscope is Aries, I am born in April. I actually am not the biggest believer in horoscopes since I personally don’t fit the Aries description (like…at all LOL) so I cannot say I see it as a very accurate tool. But my friend however ignited my interest again in using MBTI as a tool to analyze personalities – I am not sure if you have heard of it or done it before. But since I used mine in relations to what Jaejoong is assumed to be, I realized that I would have a significantly hard time understanding him as I expected – but the relationship might not be as volatile as I though. Think JaeMin relationship LOL!

      My (not so secret) secret favourite OTP is JaeMin so I WILL DEFINITELY WRITE A POST ABOUT THEM! I think I won’t be satisfied till I write a HoMin and JaeMin analysis from my point of view hahaha. As soon as I finish this individual analysis!

      So. Saesang incident lol. I hate to disappoint but I cannot write about this incident for a few reasons. I hope this does not change your opinion of me lol, but my position in the fandom is really odd – or at least it is not exactly easy to fit in the buckets that Cassiopeia is so fond of using – but if I HAD to put myself in a bucket I would say I am an OT2.
      I do not hate or disapprove JYJ’s decision to leave SM and ultimately TVXQ, and I do not believe they were greedy monsters for doing so. But I do NOT approve their method of doing so and I definitely do not approve how they carried themselves and their stance the first years after the split. Therefore, especially during the beginning I had separated myself from JYJ and their activities and was not following them, as I was following the current TVXQ who I respected completely.
      So when this particular incident happened I was not really following it apart from hearing it happened. A few years later when my stance relaxed a little, I did look into what happened a little more but at that point, the truth and my opinion would be too diluted by opinions and fan accounts and thoughts and I cannot possibly give an honest response.
      So I will have to refuse to comment on this incident and all I can say (not that I am in a position to advise you!) that the best thing would be to open your mind to both sides of the argument. I don’t know what you personally thought of the incident but if it made you disappointed in them, I would consider that maybe the story we heard is not the full truth and there is another side to it; and same if you sided WITH them then I would consider that maybe they really did do it and that it was wrong and they are not perfect. It is always better to be in the midway point when we don’t really know what happened 🙂

      Finally ( I know I write a lot, I swear I don’t speak like this in real life…). The reason I have hit a road block majorly with this block is that my next point – my number 3 is about Yoochun. And the timing is so ironically hilarious because it came just as everything was happening with Yoochun’s scandal and I feel like it is very difficult for me to continue writing it.
      Maybe the best thing for me would be to just acknowledge he was my third (at that point) and skip that analysis and move on to my number 2 and 1.
      Your comments kind of ignited my will to continue writing, so maybe I will!

      Thank you again for reading and commenting. I hope you liked Yunho’s analysis too and I hope you continue reading. I hope my answer didn’t turn you off haha.
      Have a nice day!

      1. Hey there! Thank you so SO much for the prompt and very meaty response. This is the kind of reply that every blog reader dreams of, so thank you for taking the time to address all the points I raised in such detail.
        I know I’ve said it before but it needs to be said again – I really REALLY appreciate how candid and honest you were. As I said this is probably the most sincere review/analysis I’ve ever read of Jaejoong, and it’s also nice for me to confirm that I’m not the only one who feels a certain way about things he did or said. I enjoyed your post so much that I’ve been coming back and rereading it over and over again for the entire evening.
        I was actually going to comment on your Yunho analysis as well but I didn’t want to turn you off by bombarding you with too many responses, also I wasn’t sure if you were still around, haha. So you can imagine what a pleasant surprise it was for me to come back and find that you’d replied!!!
        I see what you mean about the in-joke thing. You’re certainly right that SJ are better with the whole variety thing. I’ve been doing some reviews of old variety shows that SJ and DBSK did in the mid 2000s, and the DBSK ones just can’t hold my attention. SJ shows such as EHB and Full House, on the other hand, have me in stitches.
        OMG it is so funny that you would mention the MBTI because that was what I was thinking about as well, but I didn’t mention it because I wasn’t sure if you’d heard of it, haha. What’s your MBTI, if I’m allowed to ask? I usually really like Aries, and I can kinda see the Aries in you if your writing is anything to go by, as you seem very dedicated and passionate, which are great character traits – and very Aries!!
        According to sources I’ve read Jaejoong is probably an INFP/ENFP. Does this correspond to your references?
        No worries about the sasaeng incident! I just thought it would be interesting to hear what you had to say about the incident, and as you probably know, readers can never get enough of their favourite writers. About the sasaeng incident, I’ve actually read as much as I can, and considered all the evidence I’ve been able to access in an unbiased and impartial manner. I speak Mandarin, so I’ve read all the Mandarin accounts/analysis I can get my hands on, and I’m kinda on the fence. On the one hand Jaejoong (and Yoochun since he was also involved) does seem justified in defending himself. On the other hand I read the full transcript of what he said and it makes me shudder, along with all the hitting. I don’t think the audio was manipulated. If it had been maliciously edited to misrepresent Jaejoong I think he would have sued for defamation, much like Yoochun who counter-sued the four women who accused him last year of rape.
        Re your thoughts about Yoochun, I completely understand. No smoke without fire, as they say. How you feel about Yoochun is probably akin to how I feel about Jaejoong – I feel as if my idea of him has been besmirched, and I’ll never really be able to look at him the same way again.
        I’ve always had nothing but the utmost respect for Yunho, even if he’s a bit stiff and too concerned with saying the right thing. IMO that is a much better way to conduct oneself than getting into scandals/being disrespectful. It also doesn’t hurt that I find him incredibly attractive, ha! He’s probably my second favourite in DBSK, with Changmin a close third. Changmin is incredibly cute. Everyone who’s seen DBSK irl says that CM is FAR and AWAY the best-looking member, and that their photos/videos don’t do him justice. I like Changmin and Kyuhyun’s (another Aquarius lmao) friendship, and tbh he and Yunho are people whom I think would have done well for themselves even if they hadn’t decided to become entertainers. Jaejoong and Yoochun on the other hand probably would have fallen off the track.
        Also no worries about the long reply, it was a pleasure to read! Sorry for the huge wall of text from my end, and I hope I didn’t put you to sleep.

      2. I ALWAYS find it funny when people thank me for responding, it’s like thank YOU for commenting and taking the time to read my blog!

        Feel free to comment anywhere, I really do love reading comments and they don’t have to agree with what I say – I love reading opposing ideas too – so please share whatever you like! 🙂

        So MBTI – I can talk about that for a long time lol. Mine is ISTJ, the pretty boring kind. I think I fit my mold pretty well XD Don’t be fooled by my long and rambly posts, I am actually quite introverted. I love writing about the things I…well love!

        I think that Jaejoong is ENFP, yes. I have a friend who is much better than me in this and we had a few conversations on whether he is more INFP or ENFP – and I think we are both in a position now where we think he is ENFP. One of their characteristics is that they value time alone as well and I think that might fit what we see and that might be why people confuse him for an INFP. But on a whole, ENFP is definitely a better description.
        I am currently learning how the ISTJ and ENFP dynamic can be a very interesting one hahaha.

        How about you? I am curious now. You see very Jaejoong biased (is that right?) so it’s cool to kind of think how would your personality fit in with your bias. Mine is kind of easy since I am a huge Changmin bias so it’s like ISTJ with ISTJ (assuming that is what he is)!

        You speak mandarin! So you have some advantage into reading some more accounts I have not had the chance to. This is also one of the things holding me back from commenting about that incident. I am always reading translations of translations to get to a English version (the struggles of i-fans). But C-Cassies do have much more resources and reach into the fandom so they do have more fan accounts. I am quite envious that you have that access 😀

        PS: I heard about these Changmin in real life accounts and I swear…it scares me. Because if I think he is this perfect through camera lense and people are saying he is even BETTER looking…like what would I do then!? :O

        You definitely did not put me to sleep, it’s MY pleasure to read your comments. Please keep commenting and I promise to keep writing 🙂 I actually started my Junsu piece already after your comments!!!!

  2. Hey there! I’m glad I didn’t put you to sleep with the text block, haha. I really appreciate what you said about sharing any thoughts I have about DBSK  Naturally, the feeling is mutual.

    I did kind of guess that you were probably an ISXJ, especially as you mentioned that you wouldn’t get along with Jaejoong. I agree that he tends toward ENFP rather than INFP – while he does need time to wind down and recharge, he depends far too much on outer stimuli and confirmation to be a true introvert. I think people type him as an introvert because he does seem to live in his own mind most of the time, unperturbed by the happenings going on around him. Also as you mentioned, he’s quite stubborn and tends to talk himself into doing things or justifying decisions he made, and is impervious to what other people think. I think ISTJ and ENFP would be a very turbulent relationship lmao. It would be either heaven or hell for you guys, never something in the middle!

    As for my MBTI, I oscillate between INFJ and INTJ. On the one hand I’m pretty detached from my emotions – I never let my emotions compromise me or get in the way of work, for instance, and I always operate based on logic and what I think is right, never on how my current emotional state is. I’m not afraid of conflict when it’s justified, in fact I rather enjoy it when that person has it coming (usually toxic backstabbing colleagues), but in general I want people to feel happy and comfortable and accomplished and confident in their own skin, and I go out of my way to reinforce positivity and make sure that people feel fantastic about themselves.

    You’re right that I am – well, used to be – very Jaejoong biased. I’m afraid the sasaeng incident irrevocably soured my impression of him. On top of all that, I think he has poor emotional control.. judging from all his interviews and the way he conducts and expresses himself (ie randomly going on seemingly neverending rants), as well as his social media handles, I think he’s bipolar, is way too ‘feely’, and talks too much lmao. He seems incredibly insecure and in constant need of affirmation, which are not attractive character traits for a 31 y/o man, no matter how gorgeous he is! Too much emotional baggage. Old habits die hard, though, and when I talk about DBSK, he’s usually my main focus, ha! You are so right that it’s fun to think about how your personality would get along with that of your bias.
    Thank you for your kind words! Mandarin is my first language, and there are heaps of Cassies in the Mandarin-speaking world, writing in both traditional and simplified Chinese, both of which I understand, so I always try to utilise those resources. I prefer reading in English to be honest, but if it’s something as controversial as the sasaeng incident (or the Yoochun scandal last year), where I need to weigh the evidence firsthand for myself, I always go to Mandarin forums. Korean and Mandarin (and Japanese at that) are very similar in certain aspects, especially when expressing ideas of a sensitive or taboo nature. East Asians are somewhat indirect and vague when expressing themselves, and that subtlety runs in the language and phrasing they use, and these nuances are harder to translate into English, but they flow within each other without losing something in the translation when it’s Japanese to Mandarin, for example. I do apologise if this last paragraph was spotty and badly phrased, but hopefully I wasn’t too incoherent.

    As for Changmin, all of these accounts were from Mandarin Cassies, and I have to say – East Asians are VERY vocal and critical of the way people look, so if they say that they were mindblown by how flawlessly handsome Changmin was in person, you can bet it’s true!! Just now I randomly googled him again and this is what I found: ‘沈昌珉真人好看到死看完都想砸了摄像机,’ which means ‘The real Shim Changmin is so handsome it makes you die a little inside.. and you feel like smashing the camera.’ As for Jaejoong my bipolar birthday twin, whom I hate to love and love to hate, the general consensus is that he’s good looking irl as well, but also smaller – shorter, and ridiculously skinny. Apparently he looks like someone could snap him in half, and they said he was so thin that his trousers kept falling and he had to keep pulling them up LMAO. They also agree that he’s super pale to the point where he’s almost glowing with whiteness, and he smells really nice.

    Thank you again for responding to my comments, and I look forward ever so much to reading your reply, as well as your new Junsu piece!!! A Homin piece would be nice too, haha! I hope you have a great day, and speak soon.

    1. Hello!

      I’m kind of really glad you were unsure of whether to put me as a T or F hahaha. I actually am almost at 50% F which means I am quite down the middle or have a strong F, and I am very fond of that F hahaha.

      I think you actually lean more towards an INTJ, I feel like INFJ are more unsure or unable to disengage from their emotions as well, and if you think that you’re able to do it well, it is hard to be an INFJ. Maybe you have an a high F though as well which is why you have some characteristics of INFJ? I’m just theorising here though!

      You know, I feel kind of sad if that saesang incident is what is making you like Jaejoong a bit less than before. I think that it definitely colours or lessens our expectation of him as fans when we get disappointed ( and boy were we disappointed….) but I think that it was a bit of a tough time for us to judge him completely based on this one incident. This is my opinion of course, and not my place but I just don’t think that it was his best moment and I don’t even think we know enough of what happened. I DO agree, he is a little on the lesser mature side for his age especially, and I do think there are times when he frustrates me with his stubbornness, but I can’t help but feel a soft spot for him at the end of the day lol. I don’t necessarily think he is bipolar – like medically – as much as I think that his mood swings are VERY characteristic for ENFPs hahaha. It has to do with his strong F, he just oscillates from being immensely happy when things are going well and then if he sees something which upsets him he gets immensely sad. Rather than it being bipolar, its more that he feels WAY TOO MUCH. You know, I think he has controlled it a bit – think to the days of 5 when he his facial expression used to change when he didn’t like something ON AIR to now where he just passively aggressively posts something on IG and deletes it a few days after…he is controlling it and maturing but it definitely is a little less mature than we would hope for his age. *whisper* he needs a Changmin in his life to neutralise all these intense feelings *whisper*

      About their looks – I swear I laughed when you described Jaejoong because someone I know saw him and mentioned a very similar thing. She said because he was so incredibly thin, his head looked too big like an alien (but a cute one) LOL! Your Changmin description…like I wanted to hit the screen. I NEED TO SEE CHANGMIN.

      I will write a JaeMin and HoMin analysis because those are the 2 most important relationships to Changmin for me. It’s settled. Junsu, Changmin, JaeMin then HoMin because it’s very complex hahaha.

  3. This is a beautiful analysis, thank you so much for this. Since I became a fan of TVXQ after the split I didn’t know much about JYJ nor did I care much, I read some stuff about them on some websites about the split that made me even resent them at the beginning but honestly that was just immature of me, your analysis helped a lot to see Jaejoongs personality in a different light. It makes me sad that I couldn’t see and Stan TVXQ when they were 5, it seems you have some very beautiful memories of them. I really hope to see Junsu and Yoochuns too, I can learn a lot about them.

    1. Hi Sarah, thank you for taking the time to read my analysis and for the kind words.

      I think your feelings make sense and it is not uncommon. You have no idea how much it pleased me to hear that this piece helped you see things a bit differently. Just to be clear, I don’t think you are or were immature – I think there is unfortunately a lot of hate going on in the fandom a little unnecessarily and if you came into it in the middle of everything, I can see how you came to your conclusion. Out of curiousity, when did you join the fandom?

      I am also a post-split follower since I started in 2010 so it was like right during the split? I saw a lot of the hate but luckily a I got a glimpse of how it was before it got all ugly and confusing. I think I am clearly a TVXQ follower and supporter too and I personally can share with you I had quite a bit of resentment towards JYJ at the very beginning because of a lot of the hate the 2 were getting. However, once THEY relaxed a bit, I could relax too and I am glad to do so and start remembering the memories of the 5 again. I am a LONG way from being an OT5 but I cannot deny the effort and the love that JYJ had for TVXQ as a group, as a band and as a family – regardless of what happened. And sadly, we can pretend or feel we know what really happened but we do not and so it is hard to hate people for no reason or based on stories of others who are out to spread hate.

      This is a very convoluted way to say I understand what you are going through and I am SO happy you feel like you want to know more about the 5. Because to REALLY know more about the 2, you have to know the 5 and their relationship and their contributions to their development. And if anything, I love Yunho and Changmin even more because of it. I promise to keep writing – I will unfortunately skip Yoochun in light of recent drama, as there is too much in my mind of what I want to say that I no longer feel. I will get to Junsu soon, I began writing his piece already 🙂

      Please keep following and thank you again for the comment! I am interested to what you think of Yunho’s piece if you are a TVXQ fan!

      Also if you have questions about ANYTHING at all (including Yoochun lol) please feel free to ask!

      1. Thank you so much, I don’t have many friends who are Cassies most of them are V.I.Ps, Armies and Exo-ls so its nice to talk to a Cassie
        I joined the fandom around 2013, they are first kpop group that I loved this much. When I joined I learned that they were once known as the Gods of Kpop so I was really surprised that why would such a successful group split up, then I read a lot of stuff at tumblr and truetvxq and everything made me really dislike JYJ. What I mean by immature is that, when ever JYJ mentioned TVXQ or sang a song of TVXQ I always thought they were doing it for attention, I was 14 back then and it really never hit me that JYJ too were once members of TVXQ so they obviously loved TVXQ and had beautiful memories as members of TVXQ. Since I was new I tried talking to many Homin stans but they kinda always portrayed JYJ are supreme evil and so that never really helped either.
        What I absolutely loved about your analysis is just how unbiased you were, you told his good sides and bad sides without being biased. I have realised that they are humans who may have made some mistakes in life, they may or may not regret it, we’ll never know that, they have their good points, they have their bad points but one thing is for sure TVXQ is something they will probably cherish for the rest of their lives.
        Thats the main reason why I actually wanna know more about the ot5 days, I’ve seen some clips and varieties of their old days, I’m always surprised by how different Yunho and Changmin were back then, JYJ were very very important to them so them leaving really changed Yun and Min in many ways…..
        I already read Yunho’s one, since I’m Yunho biased (BUT I LOVE CHANGMINNIE TO DEATH AS WELL) that article was the first thing I read, I actually teared up. You wrote it perfectly, everything about how serious and uptight he was before the split and just how much he changed after is really sad but I think in a good way. He always had to stay strong for the group and had to be strict so I guess after the split his walls were absolutely broken down, but now I feel like the Yunho we see now is the genuine, he doesn’t have to pretend to be strong anymore nor does he have to hold back his tears because he knows Changmin is always there for him and is someone whom he can lean on.
        Changmin truly changed a lot too, I’m really excited for his analysis too. I can see why you won’t write about Yoochun, he’s scandal truly is a shocking one.
        I have so many questions about their relationships with each other but no one can actually ever tell for sure but I’ll ask anyways
        I’m really curious about their current relationships with each other. Yunho and Jaejoong seems ok but I have no idea about Yunho with Junsu and Yoochun. The thing is I can say that Yunho was heart broken at the split but slowly managed to move on and now is happy, and I feel like he isn’t bitter with the 3 anymore, maybe their relation won’t ever be like before but at least their ok right but I honestly don’t think minus Jaejoong he stays in tough with the other two.
        What I really wanna ask u is about Changmin, Though I have been a fan for 4 years now, I always have a hard time reading Changmin, I never could read him or tell what he was thinking. Since your Changmin biased maybe you would know or at least know more than me. How Changmin changed during the split? How he handled the split, I always felt that more than grief it was anger that he felt. Min never ever mention the other 3 after the split, I just wanna know what their relationships might be of this day.
        Maybe you might not know but I just wanna hear your opinion thats all.
        Thanks so much for these analysis, your a great writer so I hope you keep it up ❤ I'll wait for Junsu and Changmins.

  4. I don’t know if you read this anymore, but I came to DBSK through JYJ, and loved Junsu first. I am an INFP/INFJ, and really appreciated your take on Jaejoong. Junsu and Jaejoong are some of the very few that literally make me tear up when I hear their music. I did like a DBSK song back in the day ‘Love in the Ice’, and it was before they broke up, but I was just discovering Kpop, and loved the harmonies. I was into individual songs, not groups, per se. I found them through dramas, and ‘Scent of a Woman’ has Junsu being a singer………….. and yup, I fell down the rabbit hole. For me, it was JYJ, then DB5K… and then a SuJu friend kind of lectured me. I watched ‘Humanoids’, and was in LOVE!!! Changmin is my bias in the Ho-Min grouping. With ‘stupid boy’ (Yoochun) having so many issues with the law, I am just tired of it… and treat him like Madonna. (not care much for the person, but appreciate the art…) I’m American, and we have a different relationship with our celebritites… but just tired of his drama. (I lived in Korea when his first scandals came out… I was devistated.) Anyways, enough babbling. I really appreciated how you described JJ. You highlighted nearly everything I love about him. He is my bias wrecker, and I adore him. ^^ So glad that most of them are doing good. Doesn’t matter who you follow, I just really appreciated your comments and thoughts!

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