Tuscarawas County Shows Increase of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Cases in March

Tuscarawas County Shows Increase of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Cases in March – In the month of March, Tuscarawas County has seen an increase in pertussis cases in both children and adults! While you get the vaccine as a child, it’s important to get a booster of the pertussis vaccine as an adult as well. Learn about the complications of pertussis and where you can schedule your vaccines right here on Newsymom!

This is Public Health is brought to you in partnership with the Tuscarawas County Health Department.

Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a contagious respiratory disease that can cause severe coughing fits and is especially dangerous for infants and young children. However, it’s also important to note that adults can also contract the disease and experience symptoms that are often milder than those experienced by children.

Symptoms in Adults

For adults, pertussis symptoms may include a persistent cough that lasts for several weeks or even months, along with cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose or low-grade fever. In some cases, the cough may become so severe that it causes vomiting or results in broken ribs. Although the symptoms may be milder in adults, the disease can still be dangerous and is highly contagious, so it’s important to seek medical attention if you think you may have pertussis.

Effects on Babies & Young Children

For infants and young children, the symptoms of pertussis can be much more severe. They may experience prolonged coughing fits that are accompanied by a “whooping” sound when they try to catch their breath. These coughing fits can also cause vomiting, exhaustion, and difficulty breathing. In some cases, pertussis can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, seizures, and brain damage. That’s why it’s especially important for parents to ensure their infants and young children are vaccinated against the disease.

Did you know? The lowest number of recorded cases of pertussis was in 1973, with a total of 1,010 cases! You can check the rise and fall of cases right here: CDC Pertussis Cases By Year

Prevention Is the Best Medicine!

The pertussis vaccine is the best way to prevent the disease, and it’s recommended for all children starting at two months old. The vaccine is typically given in combination with vaccines for diphtheria and tetanus, and booster doses are recommended at ages four to six years and 11-12 years. Pregnant women are also recommended to get the vaccine to protect their newborn infants from the disease.

In conclusion, pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory disease that can cause severe symptoms in infants and young children, as well as persistent coughing fits and other symptoms in adults. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the disease and protect ourselves and our Tuscarawas County community. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of pertussis, seek medical attention right away, and reach out to the Tuscarawas County Health Department to take preventive action by scheduling your vaccines! You can reach them by calling (330) 343-5555 x. 1000.

Make sure to follow along on Facebook (@tchdnow) for the latest news and safety tips on health and wellness in Tuscarawas County!

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