Spotted Background tutorial.

The finished product: 

Step 1: Create a new document. Size doesn’t matter much, but if you want, you can use mine, 2250×1440. Make the background black.

Step 2: Select the brush option. Select a soft brush (I used the fifth one). For Gimp, you can use the seventh one. Change the brush size to 125 px. Use the foreground colour #f8a1e5 (pink) with the opacity set at 100%.

Step 3: Draw a vertical line starting from the top (you can draw a straight line by clicking on your document and then pressing shift) by the left side of the document. Leave a little bit of space before your line. Do not go all the way, stop when you’re about 3/4 down the page. Then, using the colour #8cdbfc (light blue),  draw a vertical line starting from the bottom, only 3/4 of the way up.

Step 4: Repeat the pink/blue pattern until you reach the end of the page. Remember to leave some space.

GIMP tip: To make switching colours easier, press the ctrl key and click on any colour on your page to use that colour.

Step 4: Go to FilterBlur Gaussian Blur. Set the radius to 293.4 pixels.

GIMP: Set horizontal to 500 px. It will automatically change vertical to the same thing.

Step 5: Create a new layer, then go back to the brush tool. Using the same soft brush, set the size to 700 px and change the opacity to 50%. You can click anywhere to make a dot (it’s your preference), but if you want to follow my example, use the same blue from before and put a dot on the top left corner, the centre, and put a half circle by clicking outside of the document on the top right side. On GIMP it may look big, but trust me, it’s not.

Step 6: Now change the colour to #ea8338 (orange) and change the brush size to 400 px. Again, you can put your spots anywhere, but if you’d like to do mine justice, put a spot on the bottom right corner of the blue spot on the top left corner and another spot between the blue spots on the centre and the right side.

Step 7: Change the brush size (again) to 200 px. This time, use the colour #d966f2 (another pink). You know the drill, if you want to follow mine, just copy the picture below. When you have completed this step, you’re finished! Congratulations, your very own spotted background. 🙂


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