Blog, Tropical Fish

Top 5 Most Popular Tropical Fish

Top 5 Most Popular Tropical Fish

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]So, you’ve got your fish tank and want to take the bold step walking into a tropical fish store in Leeds? Perhaps you’re thinking of the best selection, to begin with? Well, this article will serve as a guide and also answer all your questions.

Tropical fish are a great addition to a saltwater fish tank. Most of them have bright colours and bold patterns which really adds a pop to your tank. Most of them are beginner-friendly and very easy to take care of.

Let’s have a look at the Top 5 Most Popular Tropical Fish Leeds and the reasons to keep them.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]

Our Top 5 Most Popular Tropical Fish

#1 Tetras – Paracheirodon innesi

Tetras are a very beautiful and colourful breed of tropical fish. They require very little care (no special requirements), which explains why they are so popular among beginners in Leeds.

Usually small in size, tetras species are a schooling variety that loves to be in a group of six to ten. Like most fishes, they are sensitive to frequent water changes. And so, ensure to introduce them into a tank with steady parameters.

Tetras are omnivores and will thrive if you feed them with brine shrimp and bloodworms. If properly cared for, they can grow up to 1-1.5 inches and have a 5-year lifespan.

#2 Mollies – Poecilia sphenops

The next on our list of 5 most popular tropical fish is The Mollies. Beginners love these species because they are tolerant of changes in water parameters.

Also known as Common Molly, the fish are mostly available in bright oranges and reds. These will surely add a nice glow of colour to your fish tank.

Mollies are hardy and less aggressive to their community. This attribute appeals to many beginners since you can place them beside any other tropical tank species. Want to see them thrive so well? Keep them in an environment with lots of rocks, or caves so they can explore.

mollies tropical fish

#3 Guppies

The Guppy Fish is one of the most popular tropical fish in Leeds. Like the Tetras, they are available in varieties of colour and are very easy to care for.

If you ever walk into a tropical fish store in Leeds for a peaceful species, a bet is the Guppy will be on the list. It’s a common home aquarium fish kept by almost all hobbyists from one point to another. What’s more, they are very affordable and don’t require you to break the bank.

Guppies are omnivores and will thrive well with a fish flakes diet, live or frozen brine shrimp. Sometimes, they can even survive a week without food. While starving them is not condonable, some beginners might often forget their daily feeding routine.

Others most popular tropical fish are:

#4 Zebra Danio

Looking for a very popular, beginner tropical fish? The zebra danio is also a great choice. Hardy, active, and beautiful, these species will make a great addition to your tropical tank. They are usually available in small cute sizes, and always want to move in a small group.

You can find them in black colours with white stripes like zebra, which makes them unique. If you want a specialized zebra danio, then you can get the GloFish species.

#5 Suckermouth Catfish – Plecostomus

The Plecostomus originates from the Amazon region (Tropical North-Eastern South America). Asides from being easy to care for, these species have a life expectancy of up to twenty years. Plus, they can be very friendly with other species in the fish tank. What’s there not to love about the Plecostomus?

While they can feed on algae, they thrive more when you give them catfish pellets and a stable diet.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column]

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