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To: all citizens with a conscience

"Goatboy" Jim Breuer deserves the Medal of Freedom

In order to devalue Rush Limbaugh's Medal of Freedom, I implore you to contact your congressman and senator to insist that 90s SNL alum Jim Breuer receive the Medal of Freedom for his character Goatboy.

Why is this important?

If Rush Limbaugh can get the Medal of Freedom, we need to devalue the medal to the point where it simply can't be touted as an achievement for this vile person who has done more to undo the constitution than almost any other American. Let's grind the Medal of Freedom into the dust. Let's make it so that people who receive one from this point forward go 'meh, who cares, wasn't this given to Jim Breuer explicitly for being Goatboy in the 90s on Saturday Night Live?"