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Every day is Halloween in Harajuku

harajuku ninja dude tokyo japan halloween

While most Japanese don’t really dress up for Halloween or go trick-or-treating like people do in the states, some dress up whenever they go to Harajuku. Today’s photos were not taken on Halloween or at Halloween parties. These pictures are of typical Harajuku wear (cosplay or costume play).

harajuku dude naruto headband japan cosplay

harajuku cosplay girls tokyo japan

3 Responses to “Every day is Halloween in Harajuku”

  1. 1

    This is one place I missed on my visits to Tokyo! It is definitely a high priority on my list for the next time I am there! I love your captures of the uniqueness of Harajuku!

  2. 2

    Scrolling down I thought the guy in picture 2 was a bit scary… then I saw picture 3 and that was far worse. Still love the photos of cosplayer though, I took a load when I was out there last year.

  3. 3

    A lot of the people you’ve pictured are regulars that I used to see everytime I went.