Futurama: 10 Worst Things Bender Has Ever Done

7. Flush Nibbler

Futurama Bender

This incident gives us a great episode, but flushing someone’s pet down the toilet is a pretty horrendous thing to do. Later in the series, Nibbler becomes a part of the crew, but by then he’s just Leela’s silent but ever so cute pet. In all honesty, though, that just makes the reason Bender flushes Nibbler down the toilet even worse.

Bender is jealous that Nibbler is getting more attention than him, which is already a little bit pathetic, but to make matters worse, it’s Nibbler’s birthday. Bender makes a cake (and unlike his other cooking, it seems to be pretty good) and signs his own name in much bigger letters than he writes Nibbler’s birthday message.

Just prior to this, Bender became unreasonably annoyed that no one cared how good he was at pin the tail on the donkey (or rather, Neptunian slug), because they were paying attention to Nibbler. Again, on Nibbler’s birthday. And on top of that, Bender had cheated anyway.

The final straw comes when Nibbler eats the cake before Bender can show it to his adoring public, culminating in Bender sending the nibblonian straight to the sewers.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)