Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

WY Recommends: Jordan Rodin does it a bit differently Friction-free and flying.

Photos: Cervi

Truth be told, we haven’t really followed the finless, friction-free deal too much. But of course, how could you not smile at Derek Hynd flying down the line at Jefferies? Other than that though, this surfing genre didn’t really grab much bandwidth around the office. That is until Perth local, Jordan Rodin, sent us a few photos of which opened our eyes a bit. We kept looking and eventually started to grasp some of the complicated technique that is involved, and obviously how far this type of surfing has progressed. What was once a kind of a hang on for dear life experience has now transformed into fully controlled shredding, and it would appear Jordan has it on lock.

Just a guy doing his thing. We like that.

So we sent Jordan a few questions and he sent us a few more photos, all shot by Billy Cervi.

Given the situation we find ourselves in these days, here’s a pleasant diversion from that reality.


What Youth: Where are you from?

Jordan Rodin: Way out west. Perth, Western Australia. It’s almost got it all but it just lacks quality waves. Luckily, a few hours south you have Margs and twelve hours north you have the desert. So it’s not so bad.

WY: How did you get into surfing?

JR: I think I was sick of bodyboarding, so I begged my mum for a surfboard for Christmas. So, there it was my own big blue foamy under the tree. 

WY: Obviously the friction-free deal is a unique wave riding discipline, what was your inspiration to get into that?

JR: It came from a perfectly timed knee injury, well that’s how I see it now. At the time I was getting pretty stale with surfing, I wasn’t trying different boards just the same old shit every day until I blew my knee out. I took a step back – there is no alternative influence where I am from -and I bought a single fin as a “rehab” board to ease back into it. A few months later I went for a surf near on dark and forgot my fin. There wasn’t enough time to go get one so I went for it…. finless. I ate shit every wave but my last wave I caught a bit of edge and rode it all the way to the sand. I thought I just landed on the moon like something never seen before until I got home and did a google search and came up with a guy named Derek Hynd. Like I said there was no guidance or influence where I am from – oh how I was living under a rock! That’s where my free friction seed was planted.

WY: Derek would seem to be the Guru on friction-free surfing, who else should be on our radar screens?

JR: As far as I can see we are all supporting actors to DH’s silver screenplay. Just imagine how exciting it must have been for him in the early pioneer stages, not knowing what was possible flying down a huge J-Bay wall. We are all just feeding on the dregs of his trip. If you are having fun, you’re winning.

WY: Is the reception from other surfers in the line-up supportive of this style of surfing?

JR: I was never categorized like “you can’t surf here” it was just like “why do you want to do that?” I guess I was drawn into not knowing what was going to happen on the next wave. Which sounds pretty damn good to me!

WY: It would seem a leash is counter to completely fiction free surfing. How about you: leash or no leash?

JR: There is a time a place for them, I do use them because the beaches at home have rocks all on the shoreline and I have too much respect for my board. Channels aren’t fun repairing.      

WY: Favorite wave? 

JR: The local when it’s a hundred knots onshore and no one around.

WY: Any travel plans once this crazy virus thing passes?

JR: I really want to go back to J-Bay and get a whole season in but pennies are thin. Man, this virus might hang around for a while so I might have to stay in OZ for now, which is never bad.

WY: Any final comments?

JR: Wash your hands. Ha ha.

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