HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) — Most of the sunflowers in John Abbott’s Harrisburg backyard are about 8 feet tall…except for one.

Abbott got the sunflower seeds from a neighbor and planted them in May. One of them grew, and grew, and grew, until it reached almost 20 feet!

Credit: John W. Abbott

“I have never had one grow that big,” Abbott said in an email to abc27.

The common sunflower typically grows about 3-15 feet tall, according to Britannica.

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In addition to being an attractive plant, Britannica says, sunflowers’ leaves can be used as fodder; their flowers produce a yellow dye; their seeds can be used in birdseed or eaten dried, roasted, or ground into nut butter; and oil that comes from compressing their seeds is good for table use or can be put in soap or paints.

While some varieties of “pollenless” sunflowers can be nice for cut flowers, other varieties are great for bees and other pollinators, Penn State Extension explains.

Bees can use sunflowers for nectar and wax for their hives, Penn State Extension notes, and sunflowers can also be hosts for moths and butterflies.