Plants: Iris pseudacorus x 'Berlin Tiger' - Yellow Flag

Posted by 23.05. 2007 08:26:29 (22242 readers)

Berlin Tiger Iris - Loves to Get It's Feet Wet

'Berlin Tiger' is a tall, vigorous Iris, reaching fully 3 feet high but just about a foot wide. It loves damp and even wet soils, but once established can even tolerate short periods of drought. And if you are fortunate enough to have no boggy or poorly-draining soil, simply give this Iris a bit more shade and a lot more water, and it will flourish!

Origin: The species is native to southern United States.

Stunning addition to the waterside garden, marshland, boggy soils, or even ordinary moist soil, 'Berlin Tiger' is a Yellow Flag Iris extraordinaire. The huge blooms are deliciously striped, and after they pass, showy fruit capsules remain to be used in indoor arrangements all winter. A very easy perennial to grow, this Iris belongs in gardens from north to south, east to west!

The flowers begin in early summer in most climates, 5 inches across and colored a rich shade of golden-yellow. Pencil-thin cinnamon-brown veins overlay the gold, particularly on the falls, adding a lovely tiger stripe effect. This is enhanced by the rounded, full look of the blooms -- elegant and showy. After the blooms pass, they are followed by large, attractive fruit pods that can be cut for Everlastings to keep your vases lovely all winter.

Full sun and very moist or waterlogged soil. Plants like to be fertilized well and a mulch is useful to protect roots from extreme conditions. Can be grown is moist borders, bog gardens and in ponds.

Publisher: Hirt's Gardens
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