Mambo Still Life with Franchise

Mambo Still Life with Franchise

Mambo and Still Life with Franchise: A Personal Connection

Mambo Still Life with Franchise Cover

This book is an art book published by the Australian surf/street apparel brand Mambo (Mambo Graphics) in 1998. Whether to call this book an art book or use another term aside, it contains a vast array of works, including art, illustrations, graphic designs, and graphic arts, used in Mambo’s apparel, labels, tags, logos, and advertisements, influenced by a diverse range of cultures (including politics and religion), as well as Mambo’s history and interviews with representative artists.

Reg Mombassa Artworks

I lived in Adelaide, South Australia, from September 1999 to February 2003, where I studied English and Multimedia/Applied Design at TAFE SA. The design and pop culture influences I received from Mambo during that time remain significant, and I often find myself flipping through this book whenever I need design inspiration or guidance. Among the art and design-related books I own, this one holds a special place in my heart.

Matthew Martin Artworks
Paul Worstead Artworks
Maria Kozic Artworks
David McKay Artworks
Jim Mitchell Artworks
Gerry Wedd Artworks
Robert Moore Artworks
Bruce Goold Artworks
Miscellaneous Artists Artworks

Japanese Connections

Incidentally, some Japanese connections I found in this book include two incredibly captivating artworks resembling Rockin’ Jelly Bean’s 1970s monster movie posters and a woman shedding a mermaid costume, as well as the fact that this book was printed by Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. I was slightly surprised when I read the credits of this book and saw that it was printed by a Japanese printing company. Perhaps there was a local branch in Australia. There may be other connections to Japan in this book, and if I find any more, I will add them here.

Rockin'Jelly Bean and Miscellaneous Artists Artworks
Loud Shirts
Loud Shirts
History of T-Shirts
History of Advertising

Currently, it seems that this book is not being sold as a new item, but there are several copies available for sale as used books if you search online. It may also be housed in large libraries.

The photos of this book featured in this article are just a small portion of the fantastic artworks by many great artists included in it. If you have an interest in art, design, or pop culture, I highly recommend checking it out. The editing, as well as the works, make it an exceptional book.

Still Life with Franchise

Publisher: Dare Jennings
Copyright: Mambo Graphics Pty. Ltd. 1998

About AEDI

AEDI is a web and graphic design company based in Kurashiki, Okayama. We offer services such as web design, WordPress development, multilingual website development, SEO, UI/UX design under “Website Design Services,” graphic design services including logo design, flyer design, leaflet design, brochure design, and catalog design under “Graphic Design Services,” motion graphics, animations under “Motion Design Services,” character design services including mascot characters, and branding under “Brand Design Services.” If you’re looking for a company to provide web design or graphic design services, please feel free to contact us.

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