

Thorod Brindle-Beard "Drill-Sergeant" 

GuildFormerly Stormwind City Watch

Outward Appearance

Thorod is your average sized dwarf. He has a well trimmed beard covering his face and his hair is always loose but fairly tidy. His eyes are always on the look out for trouble, and the streets of Old Town are often subject to his disciplinary yelling.

More recently, he's taken on the dashing appearance of a nailed-shut coffin.




Thorod was born in a small house, in the mountains surrounding Loch Modan. Since both his parents were avid explorers, he was often left in the care of his uncle. The Uncle cared for him like a loving parent while Thorod's parents were away, well, like a loving parent that also happens to believe in pain as punishment and discipline for life! That's right, he was one of those uncles you learn to hate. Which makes the fact that he was a Priest of the Light all the more bewildering.

Mountains around Loch Modan

As Thorod grew older, he became vital in helping his uncle live his life normally, as the old grumpy codger was getting frail. It's a mystery why Thorod would want to help such an evil old man, but that's what he did. Perhaps he had grown to respect the man as their relationship developed and flourished, whilst Thorod learnt valuable life lessons, helping further mould his personality or perhaps he just wanted somewhere to bunk while he tried to find a job.

Stormwind Keep

Thorod, however, found a solution. Why sit around and care for your evil Uncle, when you could take him to the 'big city', find a job, and let someone else do the work for you! And so, he left his Uncle with the Church, and started the arduous task that is job-hunting.


After many a failed application, and many a swigged ales, he got in with the City Watch, and there he stayed.....sort of.

Patrols, reports, promotions, demotions, death, absences, retirements, resignations; he's done it all.

Due to the mysterious circumstances regarding Thorod's faked Death as part of a Shadow-Sentinels Investigation, many were dubious when his un-timely demise actually did come about.

So it was, then, that his death was largely un-reported, and ignored by many. Though, this might just have been due to the many enemies he made during his time as Drill-Sergeant.

Perhaps Stormwind will see Thorod return, should a necromancer find his cold, limp corpse?

Don't be daft, that won't happen.


RelativesNone in game. Brother, Parents, Wife.
Rivals/ EnemiesNone
Opposite faction attitudeNeutral
LovesBeing alive
HatesBeing deceased
MotivationTo not have died

Thorod's Adventures

Thorod's Adventures

Thorod's Gallery

Thorod's Gallery