September 2016

So damn tired but scared of a spider in my room

Stupid I know. I'm hell tired and my partner is away for work. I'm terrified of spiders let alone ones that are the size of my palm. We don't have any spare beds. Looks like the couch for me which means back pain tomorrow. Yay...
Ps.  Ignore the clock time, it's broken
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  • Ohhh hell no!!! I wouldnt sleep in my room either if that thing was hanging around! I used nearly a whole can of flyspray today on a cockroach while screaming and jumping and looking like a right idiot.. if probably pass out if i saw that thing in my house! Id rather sleep on concrete!!
  • Jaspaton said:
    Ohhh hell no!!! I wouldnt sleep in my room either if that thing was ha…
    Id like to think Im a reasonably independent woman.. But when it comes to huntsmans I am a little girl! Hate cockroaches too but like you, I can at least try kill them.
  • Kimchee12 said:
    Id like to think Im a reasonably independent woman.. But when it comes…
    I have love in my heart for most creatures except cockroaches bleh they make me feel like being sick. And they leave there limbs lying round everywhere ew
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  • Wishiwasamummy said:
    I have love in my heart for most creatures except cockroaches bleh the…
    It shts me they are hard to kill and theyre so damn fast
  • Oh my god! I am hell scared of spiders too especially huntsmens! 
    I used to live in qld & they were huge there!
    Sounds girly of me but I used to get my friend to come over & kill them for me. Can you call a friend? 

  • I totally understand!

    The first time I saw  a huntsman I didn't know they weren't really dangerous and spent half an hour trying to kill it. 

    At one point I even dropped a phone book on it and when I came back to clean it up it had eacaped!
  • OMG! This is part of the reason my hubby and I decided that we wouldn't move to Oz like all our friends... he's even more of a wimp than I am! In NZ we only get White Tailed spiders which only get to about as big as a bottle top, they are also incredibly quick and can kill small animals and babies although this is a very very rare occurrence!  So if I saw this kinda spider in my house I wouldn't enter the house until I KNEW it had gone... I don't know how you guys do it.  Us Kiwis are big arachnophobes and I'm guessing we also don't like snakes mostly too! LOL
  • Yuuuuuuckkk!!! You poor thing!! Eughhh look at it!!! Hope you sprayed the crap out of that thing! X
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