6 Lilac Facts That Will Impress Your Gardening Friends

There's more to this shrub than its pretty flowers. Lilac has carried symbolic meaning in many cultures for centuries.

Known as the "Queen of Shrubs," lilac is one of the hardiest and most fragrant flowering bushes used in landscaping. You might recognize lilac as a flower from your grandma's garden, and that nostalgia factor is likely one of the reasons the plant has been regaining popularity in recent years. Though the emotional connection makes it more special, lilac is an impressive plant on its own. Most varieties can grow up to 10 feet tall, and its stalked flowers are commonly available in soft shades of pink, purple, blue, and white.

If you have lilac in your yard, you know how precious it is to see the plant blossom. The blooming period for lilacs is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it three weeks each spring, making the flowers a rare beauty. Some varieties, however, can rebloom—the Bloomerang lilac, for instance, is one of the few types of reblooming lilacs. While its impressive height and showstopping flowers are undoubtedly attention-grabbing, lilac's scent is the characteristic that truly makes it a stand-out plant in the garden. The shrub's powdery, sweet fragrance is commonly used in perfumes and soaps, and in your garden, you'll find the scent is strongest in full sun.

While these lilac facts are titillating, there are a few more surprising tidbits to note about this exceptional shrub.

blooming violet lilac flowers
Ed Gohlich

Lilacs Are in the Same Family as the Olive Tree

Lilacs belong to the Oleaceae family, which includes over 20 different plant species including olives, ash, and jasmine. Within their species, there are more than 1,000 varieties of lilacs. This includes not just shrubs but also some trees, such as the Peking and Japanese tree lilac, which can grow over 30 feet tall.

Lilac's History is Rooted in Greek Mythology

For the ancient Greeks, lilacs were an integral part of the story of Pan, the god of forests and fields. It was said that Pan was in love with a nymph named Syrax. As he chased her through the forest one day, Syrax turned herself into a hollow reed to disguise herself from him. Pan found the plant and used its stems, called Syringa in Greek, to create the first panpipe—and that's where the lilac's scientific name, Syringa, came from.

white lilac flowers
Ed Gohlich

Lilac Has Different Meanings in Different Cultures

Lilacs have come to symbolize spring and renewal because they are early bloomers. These bushes have also held different meanings in different cultures throughout the centuries. For example, the Celtics saw lilacs as magical because of their sweet scent, and in Russia, holding a sprig of lilac over a newborn baby was thought to bring wisdom. Additionally, lilacs were a symbol of an old love during the Victorian age—widows often wore lilacs during this time.

Each Lilac Color Has a Different Meaning

Although the species generally stands for renewal, each color of lilac has its own specific meaning. White lilacs represent purity and innocence, while purple lilacs symbolize spirituality. If the blooms edge more on the blue side of the color wheel, they symbolize happiness and tranquility. While magenta lilacs symbolize love and passion, the yellow variety of lilac, 'Primrose', is not known to carry any symbolic meaning. The lack of symbolism is attributed to its late introduction in 1949, making it a rare sight in American gardens.

close up of purple lilacs blooming
Ed Gohlich

Lilacs Were an Early Presidential Favorite

Lilacs originated in Eastern Europe and Asia and were brought over to America by colonists in the 17th century. Although they weren't native to the United States, they quickly became popular with Americans. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew these shrubs in their gardens, and lilacs were grown in America's first botanical gardens.

Lilacs Are Relics of Old Homesteads

Lilacs are known for their hardy nature and long lives—many lilac shrubs live over 100 years. Because of their life span, they often survive longer than the home of the gardener who planted them. If you're on a country road and see a few seemingly random lilac bushes, it's likely that a house or farm once stood there.

If you don't have lilacs in your garden already, consider growing a few varieties of the plant. Not only will they come back year after year, but they'll also give you a show for the senses with their colorful blooms and sweet scents. There's a lot to love about lilacs based on physical attributes alone, but knowing the plant's history makes the shrub's place in your landscaping even more special. Next time you host your gardener friends, you'll be able to impress them with your vibrant lilacs and a few accompanying fun facts!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which lilac varieties smell the strongest?

    Though all lilacs will smell lovely in your yard, the purple variety—also known as Syringa pubescens, or Chinese lilac—is commonly recognized as the most fragrant, with a strong and bold scent that will infuse your whole yard with fragrance.

  • Do lilacs like sun or shade?

    Like most flowering plants, lilacs grow best with ample sunlight, which will guarantee a bountiful amount of blooms. On average, you should plant your lilac in a location that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

  • Are lilac flowers edible?

    Yes. In fact, all types of lilac plants are edible and are often used fresh, dried, or infused in baking and cooking to impart a subtle floral flavor. If you plan to eat lilacs grown in your yard, you should avoid spraying them with pesticides or other chemicals. Always wash flowers well before eating.

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  1. Syringa vulgaris. Missouri Botanical Garden.

  2. Lilacs: Read More. Harvard Arnold Arboretum.

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