Is this a Juvi Little Bronze Cuckoo

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Devster's picture
Is this a Juvi Little Bronze Cuckoo

I was at Samsonvale QLD yesterday and came across this little one. Was about the size of a EYR. Unfortunately I didn't get a photo or a look at its back. Given the size, yellow eye ring, the faint stipes and the baring on the tail, Juvi Little Bronze Cuckoo was my best guess. I have never seen one before, so I am hoping for some conformation or correction. Thanks Heaps

muz1970's picture

Hi Devster, I haven't seen one either but I'd agree with your identification.  The fact it doesn't appear to have faint green or a shine on wings also convinces me on top of your comments. 

Cheers Muz

Devster's picture

Thanks Muz - I was hoping for that. It meands its a new tick for me.

SteveM's picture

Difficult to separate juv Shining from juv Little Bronze-Cuckoo.  I favour Shining because I think if it was a Little, there probably should be some rufous visible in the undertail.

muz1970's picture

Looking at the references to immature Shinning Bronze Cuckoo and it indicates it should have "Back, wings, and tail shiny bronze-green with bronze edges to feathers." 

From the images posted to me it appears not to have any of these features and seems to fit better in size and discription to a Little Bronze-Cuckoo. But being young I'm not saying it can't be either. Like you said said SteveM, difficult to seperate.

Cheers Muz

SteveM's picture

I believe this bird is a juvenile, not immature. 

From HANZAB Vol.4, on separating Shining from Little:-   "Juvenile Little more readily confused with juvenile of Shining as ............. ground colour of head & body hardly differ. Identification can often depend solely on pattern of tail (Pattern of undertail diagnostic; basal half of t2-t4 mainly rufous, & though this can be wholly concealed when tail tightly closed, bronze-cuckoos typically hold tail with one side overlying other, so these rufous markings can be exposed when tail only slightly spread......"

In the 2nd photo we can partially see t3 & t4 with no apparent rufous showing!

Size of Shining is quoted as 13-18cm, & Little is 14-17cm.

muz1970's picture

Going by that description I'd have to agree.  Those Hanzab editions sound very informative. Will have to add them to my wish list.

Cheers Muz

Devster's picture

Thanks Steve, you have been very informative.

That helps alot when trying to learn to identify similar looking species.

Thanks again for your input to Muz

So to clarify we are saying Juvenile Shinning Bronze Cuckoo

muz1970's picture

Yes Mate.

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