Julia Gillard Wore A Pink Power Suit On Her Birthday And The Sexist Response Was Entirely Predictable

    Happy birthday, J.G.

    Australia's first female prime minister celebrated her 54th birthday by attending a girls education panel in New York...and daaaaamn, that birthday suit.

    She was joined by fellow badass women first lady Michelle Obama and actor Charlize Theron – who were like, "Hey, everyone, you seen Julia's suit?"

    Also on the stage was Africa education ambassador Nurfahada and editor of Glamour magazine Cindi Leive, who described Julia as "fierce" (and we agree).

    "Totally unafraid, just to give you one example, to take down a male opposition leader in front of Parliament and the world for his sexism and misogyny," said Leive, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. "It's a great speech, Google it."

    Julia also tweeted about the event, where she spoke about how the education of young girls had become the central part of her post-prime-ministership career.

    Fantastic! With @FLOTUS & @CharlizeAfrica & hundreds of students in NYC for #LetGirlsLearn JG

    Except as Australian activist Nic Holas pointed out, immediately, straight away, without delay, the first two tweets were from men criticising her appearence.

    Literally the first two responses.

    Regardless, happy birthday, J.G., and keep standing up for girls on the world stage.