Unusual takin is well-adapted to high-altitude home

Abbie Krause For the Pueblo Chieftain
CHIEFTAIN PHOTO/CHRIS MCLEAN A Sichuan takin calf at the Pueblo Zoo ventures into its paddock while it's mother, Tashi, keeps a watchful eye.

If a goat were invented by Dr. Seuss, would it look like a bear, a bison or moose?

The answer to that made up Suessical rhyme would be "Yes. Probably." And it would resemble a really unique animal species that lives right here at the Pueblo Zoo.

Takin (rhymes with rockin') are a little known species primarily found in the Himalayan mountains that resembles a goat-antelope mix, though it is more closely related to sheep.

Although it may appear to have been designed by a committee that could not quite agree on what it should be, the takins' physical adaptations make it very well suited to survive in rugged conditions. Their massive, powerful bodies resemble a bison and they sport impressive horns like a wildebeest.

Though takin tend to be slow moving, they can react quickly when need be, and their sheer size and weaponry make them a formidable threat to predators, of which they have few. The tail resembles that of a bear.

The swollen appearance of the nose prompted biologist, George Schaller, to liken takin to a "bee-stung moose." Though it may look a bit funny, the nose plays a very important part in survival. The big sinus cavities warm up the inhaled cold mountain air before it gets to the lungs, which helps the takin conserve crucial body heat it might have spent just breathing.

Finally, the golden lustrous coat of the takin are fabled to be the inspiration of the "Golden Fleece" searched for by Jason and the Argonauts.

Like the giant panda, takin are a cherished species in China and are considered a national treasure. It is relatively uncommon to find them in zoos. They are found only in 17 AZA accredited zoos in the U.S. and Pueblo is one of them! Currently, the Zoo has a family of four.

Danny is the father and his full Chinese name, Da-Nan-Ren, is a very masculine name meaning "manly" or even "male chauvinist." This makes our keepers chuckle because our guy is pretty mild mannered. However, because of his size, they never underestimate his power and don't go into the exhibit with the takin.

The matriarch, Tashi, is a great mom and has given birth to four babies. Two of the offspring still live here -- Sulu (male, 2014) and Griff (male, 2016). Sulu is reaching maturity and will probably move to another zoo soon, but Tashi is quite regular about having a baby every spring and we are keeping our eyes out in March and April to see if there might be a new addition to the family.

Just the facts

Scientific name: Budorcas taxicolor

Common name: Takin

Description: Takin are a large Asian hoof stock and one of the more-peculiar looking animals on the planet. Sometimes referred to as goat antelopes because of their appearance, they have a very large head, topped with two large horns that can reach up to three-and-a-half feet in length. Their short legs are supported by two-toed hooves, which allow them to effectively climb in rough, rocky terrain. They are covered in long hair that is usually a light blonde color, although they have darker brown coloring along the ridge of the back and the face. Takin secrete oil that protects their coats from rain and water during storms.

Diet: Herbivorous. Takin feed on a wide variety of plants, leaves, and grasses. They are able to stand on their hind legs in order to reach leaves or plants that are high up. Due to the possibility of scarce food sources, takin have adapted to eat almost any form of vegetation.

Range: They are found in the Himalayas, western China, parts of India, Myanmar and Bhutan.

Habitat: Takin live in a variety of different habitats within their range, including forested valleys, rocky valleys and grassy alpine. They typically live at altitudes between 3,000 and 15,000 feet.

Reproduction and rearing: Takin live in large herds, which can be up to 300 individuals in size. In the winter season, herds usually break up into much smaller groups of 10 to 35. The individuals in those herds are usually adult females, their babies and young males. Older males generally live alone until breeding season, which is late summer.

Females give birth in early spring, typically to a single offspring (called a kid). Kids are able to walk within a few hours and can handle following Mom through almost any terrain by 3 days old. Kids stay with their mother for the first year of their life, but typically stop nursing at around 2 months old. Maturity is reached around the age of 2.

Lifespan: They can live into their mid- to late-teens in the wild. Under human care, they often live into their early 20s.

Threats: Due to their large size, takin do not have many natural predators other than bears, wolves and leopards. The largest threats are human caused. Although they are protected by laws in China, India, and Bhutan, people illegally kill them for meat. Additionally, habitat destruction and fragmentation are affecting takin survival by decreasing land space and food availability, and by cutting off migration routes.


-- Mo Walsh