
Limbless Evangelist Nick Vujicic's Wife Gives Birth to Twin Girls Days Before Christmas

Limbless evangelist and inspirational speaker Nick Vujicic with his wife, Kanae, in a photo posted December 18, 2017.
Limbless evangelist and inspirational speaker Nick Vujicic with his wife, Kanae, in a photo posted December 18, 2017. | (Photo: Facebook/Nick Vujicic)

The wife of inspirational Christian speaker and author Nick Vujicic, known throughout the world as the "limbless evangelist," as he was born with no arms and no legs, has given birth to twin girls just days before Christmas.

"Thank you all for your love and prayers! Babies Olivia and Ellie were born on Mommy's Birthday, 5 pounds 2 ounces and 5 pounds 14 ounces. Mommy is well and so are the girls. Thank You God!" Vujicic posted on Wednesday on his Facebook page, which is followed by over 9 million people.

Back on Monday, Vujcicic posted another update, with a photo of himself and his wife, Kanae.

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"Olivia and Ellie Vujicic, God willing will be born on Wednesday morning. Mommy did so great with the pregnancy! Thank God they seem to be healthy! Thank you for your prayers now and during Kanae's recovery," he wrote.

The couple, who also have two older children, with their fist son, Kiyoshi, born in February 2013, and their second son, Dejan, in September 2015, found out that they may be having twins back in June on Father's Day.

"Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there! Today was an exceptionally extra special Father's Day for me, after we recently just found out something extraordinary!" the evangelist posted at the time, linking to a short video that announces Kanae is pregnant with twins.

"Thank you for your continued prayers for our growing family! God is good!" he said at the time.

Vujicic has often talked about his struggles with depression and bullying as he was growing up, and now speaks before large crowds at schools, churches, and other evangelistic events, bringing his message of hope.

Talking about Kiyoshi in an interview with The Christian Post in 2014, he said:

"It changed everything in such a beautiful and chaotic way all at the same time. Our focus now is not just on each other, but him. I can say nothing ever can prepare you for parenthood. You just jump in with both feet and roll with the punches. It is quick to see what things I can't handle that Kanae seems to handle quite well.

"A lot of the responsibility was and is on her as I cannot do most things for him, but as he is getting older we are interacting, playing and reading books together. Kanae and I never thought that we as human beings had the capacity to love someone so much as we love our baby boy," he added.

Other prominent evangelists, such as Pastor Bobby Schuller of Shepherd's Grove Church in California, have called Vujicic this generation's Billy Graham, due to his popularity and influence.

"You are such an inspiring storyteller, and I think that a lot of people, when they listen to you, they feel like they can do anything," Schuller told Vujicic ahead of the latter's appearance on the "Hour of Power" television program in October.

"You're so good at preaching that encouraging word, and also so good at bringing people to faith."

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